Mostly posting this for another possible solution for other people to see when they get same issue. As when I search I am seeing so many people with same issue but rarely the same solution. Some say a fuse under driver steering wheel fuse panel. Others the transmission ECU. Others say weak 12V (lights, windows, power, is just very strong so I don't suspect this as every weak 12V Prius I've had (and I've had a few) still started car no problem). Others say inverter. Others bad hybrid battery. Have several lights on dash but don't have scanner and it is stuck in driveway so may be a while before problem is revolved as needs to be towed. The issue is the engine never kicks on...I'll try to jump it tomorrow....
I just had this happen to me when I went to start my prius up after it sat for a few weeks. All it wanted to do was click behind the rear seat and I had to put my key in the ignition as it wouldn't recognize it (smart key) what I did was I went back to the hybrid battery and unlatched the orange plug then relatched it. I also wiggled all the wires around the 12v battery. The 12v battery is less than 6 months old so I knew that wasn't the problem. After that the ICE sounded weak when it fired up but it took off and came to life to where I was able to move it
The hybrid batteries blew up on me 3 weeks ago and isn't reliable anymore so I have parked it so it's back in the yard for now. SM-N970U ?
I moved it from my front yard to my driveway beside my house. My driveway is a pretty good incline but not bad. Maybe 500 ft total. Then I moved it back later that evening and had no problem at all starting other than it wouldn't recognize the smart key like before.
If by this you mean with this combination of light showing, then that is the reason for the many and varied solutions. There are literally 10's of possibilities. The only thing you can say with certainty is that you have a hybrid system problem. That could range from simple and cheap to involved and expensive. What you need to do now is read the codes (as already mentioned above) so you know where to go from here,
Curious why the thread title is "2007 won't go into READY mode", yet your photo of the problem shows the car is currently in READY? Am I missing something?
What in the world? There is no "starter motor". The Prius essentially uses the transaxle, powered by the HV battery, to spin the engine to start it. The 12v battery in a Prius is used only to run the electronics/fans/pumps/lights. You are chasing your tail if you're troubleshooting down the path of a starter motor not getting power.