Hello! The car is Prius C 2014. Please see the picture attached. I've been jacking it up when noticed that "engine mount" (pink on the picture) rattles with respect to "rubber piece" (blue on the picture). It looks the following. When I push jack leveler down car goes up, and "pink part" with entire engine-transmission oscillates a few times with respect to "blue part" then comes to rest. My question is if it should be like that. When I drive over uneven surfaces the car sometimes produces rasping sound. This is the only moving connection I've found so far. I'd appreciate any information! Thank you!
Can you clarify your description? Oscillates? A mount like that has rubber in it to allow movement... On that part of the engine/trans assembly that movement will make noise if it's failing during hard acceleration, not when driving over uneven surfaces, which is a suspension problem rather than a motor/trans mount problem.
Hello! Sorry for not being precise! 1) In my question when I wrote "oscillates" I meant goes up-down many times on its own. I'd expect it to move once and settle down. But what I observe is it moves up-down more than once.May be at least 3-4 times. 2) The sound I hear sometimes is not clunking. It's rasping. What part of suspension can produce it? What I checked are 1) control arms, 2) sway bar end links and 3) outer tie rod joints. I also tried push-pull wheels with front end in air. On stationary car I can not reproduce the sound regardless of how intensively I push it. What might be causing it? Thank you!