I sell Priuses for a living. Specialize in Gen2 and 3, which fits the market here in Maine. So a new problems reared up this week. Have a 2007 that we were prepping for sale. It is in decent shape with 160k on it. I put the key into a new fob and went to start it yesterday. The door unlocked with the fob. Put the key in the car and with the door open, it beeps that there is a key in the fob. But the car does not start. The "no key" indicator is on with the fob in the dash. The 12v battery had done low over the weekend. I removed it and recharged it but nothing different. Jumping the car with a jump pack did not help either. Pulled the Fob apart but nothing is broken. Of course there is only one key. This is a bit different that some other fob issues I have run into. I guess my next step is to try swapping the fob recepticle. Cannot scan it because it will not start. Open to any ideas. It was Monday and Murphy's Law rules my kingdom. Thanks, Tom in Maine
Just checking in. We found the RFID chip issue. Problem is solved. Something new to the collective wisdom (at least here!) Thanks for all your help! Tom PS. Never throw anything away!