Hey Guys, Need some advice. I have a 2007 Prius with 81k. I live in Raleigh, NC. Yesterday it was 80 degrees, this morning it was in the low 40's. My car ran fine yesterday. When I went out to go to work this morning, the car would not unlock. The key fob wouldn't work. It worked fine yesterday. I took the manual key out and opened the door. I started the car and the radio / clock / mpg on the computer were all reset. Does this have something to do with the drastic change in temperature or do I have a bad 12v battery or is it just a bad connection? Thanks, Chris
Most likely the 12v. Can you test it with a multi-meter or a voltmeter? When was the last time the battery was replaced?
these batteries are usually killed by time more than use. 12 years is a good service life. just use a volt meter to check it. might be good to replace the fob battery, it takes two minutes. get a battery from the dealer, it's worth the extra $.