Do you use a dashcam? I mostly drive at night. Do you know which would be best to use? The cheaper the better without jeopardizing quality too much.
There's a Youtube channel called Techmoan that has a lot of dashcam reviews. (I don't think i have enough posts yet to post a direct link) He always talks about day and night footage quality and posts unretouched sample clips download links in the video descriptions. One of my favourite Youtube channels, and i'm thinking of buying a Ddpai M6plus on his recommendation. (My current dashcam, a B40-C, has merely meh night quality.)
How do we set the dash cam so that it looks nice in the car. I still have mine in the box. I don't like those cables dangling from the windshield to the 12V.
This is how I mounted mine. Power cord is routed from the console power outlet up the a- post and across to the R/V mirror. If you are intimidated by the removal of all the trim pieces, I would have a stereo shop do it for you.
Street Guardian 9663DC Pro is what I have in both of my Prius. Great night video (uses the Sony System which is the best available) and has front/rear camera. Also has a parking mode for when the car is unoccupied. You can buy it on Amazon for less than $275.
Mine dangles cause the cable is not long enough. Though it's just a $30+ dashcam.. The hinge isn't actually strong enough that if you flick it a bit, the camera will turn. I'd recommend you to get one that has strong grip so even if you get into an accident or getting smacked, the vision is still straight.
Jon, that model indicates it is WiFi compatible. Can it broadcast the image via WiFi to a smart phone or the cloud? Did a search but couldn't find an answer.
I have a Pruveeo F5 bought off Amazon. It adheres to the windshield to the left of the rear view mirror. It does a pretty good job of catching the events in front of me. It has a port to plug in a GPS device for recording speed and position. It uses an SD card up to 32GB. Powered by 12v sourced from the plug in below the dash. No parking mode, but can transmit via WiFi to a smart phone. It has already proven itself as an inconsiderate driver crossed the centerline and took the outside mirror off my car. I’d buy it again. I did have to use “real” 3M two sided tape to reattach it after only 17 days, but it hasn’t moved since.
We put a Blackvue dashcam in ours. It has wifi, and it’s cloud enabled somehow. I couldn’t tell you anything about that. We strictly use it as a recorder and put the memory card in the computer at home if there’s something interesting. It wasn’t cheap, but it’s got fantastic image quality, decent software and no battery to fail in a hot car.
Check out the Youtube channel Vortex Radar - YouTube. The man started out with dash cams and caught the radar detector bug. He has a number of reviews on dash cams and comparisons of different cams. If you decide you need a radar detector then it is the channel you want to be on. He just put up a new review this morning. Viofo A119 v3 Review: Best Affordable Dashcam of 2019 There is forum on radar detectors with a section covering Dash Cams. These guys know their stuff so they can point you to the best cam for the least money. But remember video quality comes with a price. Radar Detector & Laser Jammer Forum
Blackvue is hands down the best and I've been using one for t years now. Mine saved me thousands when I got hit last month and paid for itself instantly. Cheapish cameras look decent during the daytime, but the details at night are exponentially harder to discern and require a high quality camera. Try reading a license plate on a car night that washes out and reflects light back at you. You need a quality camera to handle that kind of glare and have a readable plate. I've found there is no point in trying to go for a "budget" camera if it doesn't work when you need it to most.
Mine does not have wifi. From what I understand wifi will be available on the next gen of Street Guardian products.