So, this evening, wifey asks for a flashlight...I look around in all the usual places and all I can find are a couple of four-D cell lanterns and a Harbor Freight freebie. She doesn't like the lanterns (too big) and the HF light doesn't work, of course. She complained -- and rightfully so, that we used to have "lots of lights." And we did -- we live a bit out of town and at times we do lose power for a few hours. And winter is approaching. So, the half-dozen or so double-D cell EverReady lights we had all seemed to have evaporated. Need to buy four or so replacements, but realize that lighting has changed significantly since I purchased those Evereadys. At that time I asked for advice on a lighting forum and despite asking for "reasonable household liights, I received recommendations for high-priced Pelicans and Streamlights. Need a few easy to operate, household lights that are bright and can take a bit of rough handling and water-proof or at least somewhat able to handle the wet would be good. I imagine LED is the way to go now. I found the following from Popular Mechanics, but it still seems as if they are going a little hogwild pricewise So, Waterproof, Rugged, Longlasting and bright -- oh -- and did I say cheap (LOL). Best Flashlights 2019 | LED Flashlight Reviews
Speaking as someone who has been working graveyard shift outside for more than 20 years, I will only suggest a Streamlight Stinger LED. Wife has one for the house too. Your call. Super Bright LED Flashlight | Stinger® LED | Streamlight®
I’m usually handed 2-3 USB-charged LED flashlights a year, just seems to be industry swag. Haven’t had to buy one in ages. The last one I spent money on was a Petzl LED head-worn lamp. I put ordinary NiMH rechargeables in it and it’s been very useful. Not much wrong with a dollar store D-cell flashlight plus a drop-in LED bulb upgrade.
Flashlights are like defensive firearms. The best one you have is....the ONE YOU HAVE, not the one in your sock drawer that you haven't used in 2-3 years. I happen to have been called out at oh-dark thirty this morning to another town and I happen to have a Harbor Freight freebie in my LF pocket right now. I KNOW it works because I use it regularly and I keep a fresh set of batteries in it. If it doesn't? My bag has another one. Goofy's Glovebox has yet another one. If all else fails, I have 2 phones and even though they're both iPhones, their flashlights work almost as well as those on Andriod phones, which can be activated with a specific gesture. ...I also have a newly acquired Bodyguard .380, a caliber that was considered to be less than effective for personal defense until the recent boom in pocket carry pistols. Is it as good as my 9x19? Nope. Is it as good as my S&W .45AARP Shield? Nope. However (COMMA!) I don't HAVE either of those. I HAVE the bodyguard....and it works, and I know it works....which reminds me. I have to go to Harbor Freight and pick up a flag because.....NOTHING says you're a patriot like flying a $6 embroidered American Flag that was made in China! ....ANOTHER free flashlight for me!
And it's on your phone (iPhones at least; not sure about androids since I don't keep up with those). Next to the camera, one of the most used features we have on it. Great way to find one's way in the dark to the long term emergency supply stash. We also keep plenty of long burning scented candles on hand. Besides no batteries to fail, not have on hand, go bad/weak, etc., they also do something no flashlight can do: smell good. Big deal once the house and people begin to, umm, get ripe after a few days.
i like the one that came with my ryobi one plus rechargeable tools, because there are always batteries available. but it may be too big for her.
My Pixel 2 has a flashlight function, and I think it is available as an apt for Androids that don't have it. You've never held a 4 to 6 cell Maglight then.
That depends on one's perspective. Flashlight < Sunlight, but > than stumbling around in darkness. Better to have one and not need it than to need it and not have it...... I was going to go there but LEOs already get a bad wrap here. (Pun nearly unintended) All phones have a flashlight function. Better phones allow their flashlights to be gesture activated. iPhones will at least let you turn the flashlight ON without unlocking - which is at least somewhat useful in a phone that lacks a fingerprint reader and is difficult to unlock in a darkned room....
The light you need depends on what you need it for. I run the lobby in a theatre that produces about 5 plays a year, say 20 performances. No matter when we start, folks show up late. I buy 'fingerlights' as I only need them to last about a minute to help the patron to their seat, I do not want to bother other patrons, and I never expect to get them back.
Poked about and ended up at Zoro -- I find the site to be reliable -- and -- sometimes -- even reasonable. Taking a hard look at an Energizer: Energizer Black LED Handheld Flashlight, Alkaline AA, 170/17lm TUF2AAPE | And: Lumapro Black LED Handheld Flashlight, Alkaline AA, 190lm 49XX95 |
The problem with flashlights, and I think it is pretty common, is that I have several. But at any given moment I don't know where most of them are, or might be. Even if I do? In an emergency situation, the batteries are usually dead. I've bought nearly everything at one time or another. From cranking self powered flashlight and lanterns, to LED's, and any other new light tool or toy. I can't even tell you where this exists, because I bought it many years ago, but it turns out to be what I use the most. It's a small flashlight that sits in a stand you plug into an outlet. It has a sensor and works as a nightlight most of the time. BUT what it also is, simultaneously, is a fully charged flashlight, that I know where it is at, when I need it. If the power goes instantly turns on, and I can grab it out of it's stand and use it as a flashlight. I also can use it as a flashlight any time I want. True it isn't too strong, and I doubt especially after many years that it would stay charged for very least I can use it to try to find my stronger better flashlight and lantern options.
that's what makes the ryobi one system so very very special not only can you keep as many charged batteries as you like, it's not hard to remember where everything is because you use it all the time for other tools
I also have a seeing eye cat. It can see everything in the dark, but basically just let's me know it's fine, and will expect to be fed promptly lights or no lights.
Honestly, I would just buy one that you think would work and then test it out yourself. If it works for you, buy more. If it doesn't, return it (if you can) or chalk it up to experience. The big downside of these types of threads is that everyone giving recommendations have different experiences and expectations that may not match what you want.
If you want a well-rounded review of a product for something like the "average" person, then sure. However, if you want to know that the product works for your situation/expectations, then its hit or miss.
I won't make a specific recommendation for a flashlight, but I will make a specific recommendation for a battery type. You want a rechargeable flashlight with lithium battery or batteries. If you use flashlights with zinc batteries, the batteries will leak over time, rendering the device useless. If you use alkaline batteries, the batteries will self-discharge over time, leaving you fumbling for fresh batteries in the dark. Lithium batteries don't leak, and don't (fully) self-discharge. I just opened a drawer, dug out a lithium battery powered flashlight I haven't touched for a year, and it's as bright as the day I threw it in the drawer. A reasonably-charged lithium flashlight will certainly run for a power outage of "a few hours". If the battery does die during an outage, it can be recharged with the same battery pack used to recharge your phone. Like I said, I won't suggest a specific flashlight. Amazon has gobs of USB-rechargeable lithium battery flashlights for under twenty bucks. Pretty much any of them will suit your needs just swell.
The neatest flashlight give away toy I've seen is a simple led light and switch that clips onto a 9v square battery. rechargeable 9v batteries have been around for a long time but the trusty alkaline battery might not hold the charge, but it doesn't just go out when discharged, it gradually fads to black :lol: Those little keychain thumb press led lights are great for finding the key hole in the dark and can be enough to get you out of trouble in a squeeze. The daughter went bush walking with her partner, got lost and it went dark, the flood light torch just shut down when the lithium battery went flat, but they found ther way back to camp using the key chain lights we gave them as a novelty Christmas present ..... T1 Terry