I was following the install from an A1Auto video and ordered what I thought were Prius OEM sway bar links based on their "replacement part for OE # 488200R010" and foolishly just ordered them up. When removing the old ones, I realized how different they looked from the new ones and thought maybe they just changed design at some point. Fit is the same, but apparently the ones I ordered are for the RAV4. I now realize the OEM are 48820-47020 for the Prius, doh! The construction of the ones I installed looks like every aftermarket product, so I'm wondering if I'll have any trouble running them instead of the OEM Prius sway bar links?
They look different because one is OEM the other one is aftermarket. As long as they have the same length and fit, they will work. And you will not see any difference. The only difference will be that you will have extra money in your pocket because you refused to pay $90+ each for the OEM markup. I have replaced mine just yesterday. I got mine aftermarket as well. I went with Moog. After replacing them, my car started running like new again. My sway bar links were terribly worn out. Check my thread and see the pictures...
I am here asking because they are not aftermarket. They are OEM RAV4 sway bar links, part #48820-0R010.
Guess I read your post too fast. If I recall correctly I heard somewhere that RAV4 and Prius use the same Sway Bar Links. That's what I remember but can't be 100% certain. From the picture you posted above, I can easily recognize the Prius Sway Bar links (the one in the below-Blackish). And the RAV4 links are the gray ones. If they are the same length and the threaded end of the ball joint goes through the hole on the sway bar and on the strut, then they will work. All this parts does is to limit the sway bar movement. It really doesn't matter how different(Physically) they will look from the original. If you care to check my post (I posted some pictures), the aftermarket links I bought look just like the one you posted above as RAV4 OEM. I replaced them yesterday. Car rides perfectly fine... May I ask why you replace them? Were you hearing clunking noise?
Chattering/Clacking, yes. I replaced both sides as the boots were shot. After replacement there is no more noise. Thanks for the replies.