2005 Prius, I need to replace my rear windshield wiper arm, and then replace the blade. No problem getting the plastic cover off, or the arm retaining nut off, but the arm seems to be welded to the splined rotator motor shaft (making up these terms as I go *smile*). Any tips on how to free that arm up off the splined shaft? I tried pulling and also pulling while move it from side to side, but I don't want to break anything. I'm obviously not a mechanic, so if there's any tricks to this or suggestions on how to get this done with minimal breakage, I'd be most grateful. Thanks very much.
Never mind...took a pair of pliers and put them on the top of the shaft and under the arm, and was able to break the arm loose without doing any damage. At least, it all works now that everything's reassembled. Not sure how much to tighten the retaining nut, so just tightened it until the new arm was solidly on the shaft, and didn't seem like it was going to come off. Just two more wiper blades to go *smile*. Glad that my labor is cheap, I'm not exactly a mechanical whiz *smile*.
Good thinking, that's pretty much how it's done for real (when it won't just wiggle off). You can buy a "puller", which is shaped a little better for doing that exact job, but is no different in principle from what you did. There's a wiki page here on how to find the service manual for the car, which contains all the specs for how much to tighten things, assuming you have access to a torque wrench.