I am not sure if my new 2010 (143k miles) is an oil burner or not yet. But I hear that BG has a oil additive available specifically for hybrids that according to some users decreases the oil consumption a lot after installation. Its sold on Amazon. Worth a try?
Some members here, like @Raytheeagle , have had great results. I've just started using them myself and am keeping an eye on my oil consumption to see results. Definitely worth a try. And FYI, the hybrid of line of products is exactly the same as their regular ones - EPR, MOA, & BG 44K. The prices on Amazon are all over the place so mind the sellers and deals. And before using MOA (the oil additive), flush the engine with EPR just before you change the oil. Theoretically it's gunked up piston rings that causes the oil consumption. The MOA just keeps your oil in good shape for longer.
I started using the EPR & MOA in my 2010 at the end of last year after getting an Oil Analysis back indicating fuel dilution in the oil. Since using the MOA, the oil quality has improved at the OCI, but I’m lowering the OCI from 8000km in 1000km increments to find the sweet spot where the oil is not so far gone. I have no consumption at this point with 123,000km and use Mobil 1 Extended Performance 0W20 and their filter as well.
Give it a shot. Worked for our old 2010 to keep the oil consumption stable. Let us know your decision .
Yeah, sounds like just a marketing ploy. Considering their audience, might backfire, bad for their credibility?
I would try a piston soak using ACDelco X66P or try a 10k interval with Valvoline Premium Blue Restore 10W-30. The Cummins/Valvoline team developed the oil to address oil consumption issues on in-warranty Cummins engines. I am currently trying it in my fiancées Accord. iPhone ? Pro
I wouldn’t use 10W-30 oil in Prius gen3 without strong justification. It won’t solve the cause of the oil consumption problem, but may speed up the wearing of the engine.
Sounds like you’ve presented a piece of jewelry and it was accepted . But you did plenty of research to ensure it was a success. Congrats .
Possibly if the hybrid line costs more, but I've no idea what the MSRP on them are. The part numbers are the same and are clearly displayed, so I don't feel like it's deceitful. They probably got tired of fielded a lot of questions about whether their line would work for hybrids so figured a new label would save their reps and customer service folks the time.
I see confusing information on the BG Products Web site: BG EPR® Engine Performance Restoration®: "PN 109" BG EPR® Engine Performance Restoration® for Hybrids: "PN PE05 New" -- but the caption under the picture of the can has "PN 109" BG Advanced Formula MOA®: "PN 115" BG Advanced Formula MOA® for Hybrids: "PN PE106 New" -- but the caption under the picture of the can has "PN 115" BG Platinum™ 44K® Fuel System Cleaner: "PN 208" BG Platinum™ 44K® for Hybrids: "PN PF01 New" -- but the caption under the picture of the can has "PN 208" I am assuming (Yes, I know) that the hybrid-specific products are different, but their Web manager has messed up. I cannot find the hybrid-specific products offered for sale anywhere, and the BG Products Web site says that their products are intended for professional use only and are not intended for use by consumers: we are supposed to go to one of their approved service facilities (which has installed BG Products' special equipment) and have the job done for us. There is one such facility near here, but does anyone have any idea what the full three-part treatment costs?
Id visit the local rep and see what they say. I also called the local BG Products office and interacted with them. They are more than willing (and able) to answer product specific questions .
Having worked in retail before, I believe that these differing numbers comes only b/c the labels are different while the products inside are the same. Technically, this line is for hybrids thus they get their own shelf and product number, but keep the original product numbers to signify exactly what they are - BG MOA, EPR, & 44K. They are not formulated or made any different. If you look on Amazon or eBay, every reseller is a dealership or mechanic. Since BG offers actual performance services I think they want you to go and pay to have professionals do them and recommend you stuff to buy, but you can buy and use the products from the resellers without much issue or worry. I purchased from Amazon previously but next time I'll just stop by one of the local shops listed on their website and buy direct. My can of MOA was shipped in a bubble mailer and the can arrived a bit dented. No bueno. As for the cost of the service, I think it's their "performance oil change", it probably varies from shop to shop. I imagine it's around $125 if you factor in the costs of products, oil, and labor. I ran the EPR myself before driving down the street to my dealer for the oil change, then poured in the MOA when I got home afterwards. Probably saved at least $40.