Mechanic says inner tie rods have play and should be replaced. But since Toyota doesn't sell inner tie rods separately, this would require replacing the entire steering rack, which like it shouldn't be necessary. Beck Arnley makes inner tie rods that supposedly fit both Lexus CT and Toyota Prius models 2010-16. The part number is Beck Arnley 101-7866. For sale at Carid for $25 each, plus shipping. Has anyone managed to replace just the inner tie rods rather than the whole steering rack? Is this a DIY fix or need to be done professionally? Thanks!
Yep... I went through the same routine once... Wrecking yards pull tons of steering racks from Prius for this problem, which has a much easier fix... I was fortunate in that Toyota had a recall for that problem in Gen2. That recall is now expired... There's a YouTube video that shows the easy recall repair Toyota came up with. It takes 5 minutes and involves prying back a rubber cover on the steering column and adding another bolt to eliminate the movement where the steering column gear interacts with the steering rack. If you can avoid going to the dealer to get that bolt added that'd be the way to go as the car dealers too often act like the worst of thieves...
I did both of mine on my Town and Country, but not the Prius. But it's pretty much the same. I don't understand about the "fix". But I'm sure there is a youtube video of it somewhere.
I went to look for it... Can't find it... Hopefully somebody else knows how to do this. Either that or tell your mechanic that there's an easier fix in the steering column and no need to replace the whole rack and if they can't figure that out you'll find a mechanic who can.
If you do a search on youtube for "replacing the inner tie rod on 20XX Prius" I'm certain will you come across a few videos. You can probably rent the tool from autozone, that's what I did.