Unfortunately I always do oil and filter change with dealer. Every time we just throw the car in, ask for a change, and pay and leave. Recently I was looking at all the oil change posts, and went back to check what oil our dealer gave us. It's 5w30 semi mobil 1. Now, I've seen people using full synthetic exclusively for longevity of the engine, and I'm planning the same. On the other hand, people say a high mileage Prius (mine's 185K mi) shall not switch to 0w-20. What's the best choice for her? Keep using 5w-30 but bring my own full synthetic? Try 0w-20? I've seen reviews saying amazon basics have good quality oil. Anyone tried that? Or shall I just stick with mobil1 AFE?
185K miles. We don't check oil levels (my apologize) and we never heard from dealer during the inspection that it's burning oil. I might check it soon to confirm that.
If the dealer is using Mobil 1, that is full synthetic engine oil. It would be a great idea for you to start checking the oil level periodically to determine the engine’s oil consumption rate.
It's kind of like what the dentist says about flossing. You only check the oil on the engines you want to keep. There are lots of oil debates, but it'll be hard to argue against Mobil 1 5W-30 for a gen 2 Prius. If it was burning oil, a heavier weight might help.
I agree. I tried 0W-20 in my 2006 just for a trial. It burned oil much faster than the recommended 5W-30. Went back to 5W-30 at next oil change.
Thanks for the heads up. On the report I read 4.50 Quarts 5w30 Mobil 1 Semi Blend and was charged $8.97 total. Full synthetic oil should have priced much higher? No? I thought it's gonna be around $20 for 4.5 quarts?
It’s extremely common to see a mismatch between the point of sale record and what actually went into the car. They’re better at giving the car what it needs than they are about documenting it. Sometimes it gets keyed in wrong, sometimes they have one “oil” line item in the system that is internally used to cover multiple applications requiring wildly different lubricants. Point is, don’t go from the work order alone. While it is supposed to be a complete and accurate record of what they did, this one line item gets screwed up more than any other. And yes, they are used to getting a lot of calls and questions about it.
Yes, and I would say it is likely that regular oil was used considering the price (neither synthetic nor semi-synthetic.) Here is the Mobil 1 product specification sheet; note that the oil is characterized as full synthetic. https://mobiloil.com/~/media/amer/us/pvl/files/pdfs/mobil-1-oil-product-specs-guide.pdf
I checked: US Owner's Manual (2009), says 3.9 US quarts with filter change, on page 314: Same in 2nd gen Repair Manual oil change excerpt (attached): That said, a lot of 2nd gen Owners report 3.5 quarts gets it around top mark on dipstick??
Skip the confusion. Based on research I did a year or so ago, there is minimal evidence that synthetic oil will "make your engine last longer." Change out the oil on a regular basis -- use quality oil and use a quality filter and an average driver should be good to go -- Dino or synthetic. So, keep on with the dealer, although I personally would use an independent garage if I did not do it myself -- which I do -- with major brand dino oil and a quality Wix or Denso filter. In your case I am sure the dealer is also using decent oil and filter (well, I would hope so). There are some advantages to synthetic, but mostly they apply to people with extended change intervals or driving conditions that are beyond what the "average commuter" encounters. Dino oil will wear out sooner -- so with a good synthetic, you can postpone change intervals. NOW, some newer cars specify synthetic oil. In those vehicles, use what the manual tells you to use. Otherwise, quit stressing and either keep up with what you have been doing or change to synthetic (personally I would not....if you have been on the semi for this long, why take a chance). On my ONE CAR THAT REQUIRES synthetic, the last oil change was $70 (of course, it takes 5.1 quarts vs the Prius at 3.9)/. But, it is not worth losing sanity over....If spending the extra cash makes you happy... kris
Toyota has never said you have to use synthetic oil. They kinda imply it when they spec 0W20, from 3rd gen onward, but they also say you can use 5W20 in a pinch.
As a matter of fact, Toyota said there are some engines that requires synthetic oil. At least, this is what I understood from the FAQ...
I’d be confused, too. As @Patrick Wong kindly explains, “Mobil 1” is ExxonMobil’s registered trademark for full synthetic motor oil. It’s regrettable that the dealer seems to have used it to refer to something else, causing precisely the kind of buyer confusion that the trademark laws are intended to prevent. I completely agree with the advice to check the engine oil level regularly—at least once a month, or every thousand miles or so. Doing this and changing the oil at reasonable intervals are far more important than the brand or type of oil that is used, as long as it meets the required specifications. Keep in mind that the Low Engine Oil Pressure Warning Light on the multi-infomation display won’t come on until the oil level is already too low to properly lubricate the engine. Toyota explains in the Owner’s Manual: The light may come on when the oil level is extremely low. It is not designed to indicate low oil level, and the oil level must be checked using the level dipstick. NOTICE Do not drive the vehicle with the warning light on—even for one block. It may ruin the engine.
Thanks for all the advice! The tricky part is I have moved since I got the car. And thus this car has been served by a different dealer before, and was under some prepaid maintenance plan so oil change cost was included (thus I don't know the exact price). Would you bet the previous dealer to use the same / similar oil? And what's the particular reason for you to go to individual garage instead of dealer?
I take my Walmart or Costco purchased Mobil 1 and a Toyota filter to a nearby Toyota dealer. They'll change oil/filter and wash the car for about $20. And they don't mind me watch them if I want to.