Actually 2 very similar questions about my Prius 2007. 1. My water pump was replaced by a dealer due to failure some half a year ago at 95,000 miles. Yesterday, after oil change (98,000), I was told it is recommended to replace engine coolant. Does this sound right? Don't they change coolant when replacing the pump?! 2. Identical question about HV pump. It was replaced at 80,000. Now they recommend do change the coolant for hybrid system. Don't they have to do it when replacing the pump? I want to do everything necessary to maintain the car. But don't want to spend money for something that is not needed. They quoted me $180 and $280 respectively. Thank you in advance for any info/advise!
On the inverter pump, the recall specifically states to replace the coolant. I would ask that they do it if they didn't at the time of replacement SM-N900P ?
Thank you. Well, then should I do it? (replace both coolants?). In the case of the water pump they charged me for 1 gallon of coolant. I assume they replaced at least half. As for HV pump, they replaced it because of the recall, and I just checked the paper work, they only say "Replaced HV pump". Nothing is said about the coolant. Can I take a risk not replacing coolants? I plan to keep the car for another 7 years (up till 180,000 miles).
Actually, according to this paper it looks like on HV Pump they had to replace the coolant (as JC91006 mentioned)
It the guy is here with doubts, and he wants to keep the car, he should change the coolant just for his peace of mind. It always pays to err on overdoing maintenance as a measure of caution.
It's a waste of money to replace 3000 mile / 6 month old coolant. Confirm it was performed. If it was, then worry about it at the next coolant service requirement.
Peace of mind is NEVER a waste of money. It's NOT a waste of money if it saves a much more expensive to replace aluminum radiator or a heater core. $30 worth of coolant is nothing compared to those costs.
I guess it depends on the money. In my case it is no $30. As I mentioned, they quoted me for engine coolant replacement $180, and for HV coolant replacement - $280
I suppose I owe you more detailed answers since you're still trying to decide what's best for you. 1. When the gasoline engine's water pump is replaced, the technician should at least open the drains on the engine block and radiator to drain out as much coolant as possible before removing the pump from the block. The reason I did it this way when I replaced the ICE water pump in my car was to add as much new coolant as I could so I wouldn't need to do so for another 100K miles. In my estimation, one gallon of new coolant should be sufficient. It's possible that the technician that replaced the water pump on your car did not drain the radiator or engine block when removing the old water pump. This can be done (there's a youtube video of a Toyota technician changing out an ICE water pump). If done this way, only about a quart to a half gallon of coolant will drain out. 2. When replacing the HV water pump, some stealerships have been clamping off the hoses entering the electric pump - which is the easiest way to replace it BTW. I'd wager that most stealerships are doing this. Almost no coolant is lost when they do it this way. I think that's what the stealership did with my car when I brought it in for extended warranty repair with 180K miles. The coolant in the reservoir didn't look new when I picked up my car. I've driven 41K miles since then with the coolant that's been in the car since the 120K mile service. My car just passed 221K miles this past week which means some of the coolant has been in the car for 101K miles (at least). What should you do? If you can spare $460, get it done and then you won't have to worry about your car's cooling system for a long time. If you don't have or want to spend the money? Then it's just a calculated risk, which in my humble opinion, is fairly low unless you live in Southern Arizona or Nevada. For what it's worth here's what I think you should do. Your Prius has low miles. You will almost certainly will not have any issues for the next 50K miles at least now that you have a new ICE water pump and HV electric pump. Just drive it and don't worry about it.
Lol yes it is. 3600 mile / 6 month old coolant damages your radiator and heater core? Explain. He needs to verify if the coolant on both systems were replaced first before dumping unnecessary money into the car. If they weren't replaced during previous work done, then get them replaced if that eases your mind.
$460? For me, it's a NO BRAINER. A couple of hours on a nice sunny afternoon and $30 of so for the coolant. That's ALL. I can't see how those making $14-25 an hour before taxes spend $460 of after tax money on a job that anyone with a high school education can do? I just added 5 pounds of Freon 22 to my two home air conditioners for less than $50. Thy are 17 years old and needed only several $10 capacitors over that period. That's why they stay poor, I guess.
Thank you so much for the detailed answer! I live in LA. You hit the nail right in the head - this is exactly what I want to do - to calculate my risks. Clearly, the optimal behavior is somewhere in the middle. One cannot neglect the car. But the other extreme would be to do everything the dealer tells you. Here a bit more info. Now my car is 7 years old and 98,500 miles. I plan to keep it for another 6 years (180,000). I did change the spark plugs and all other liquids, as people suggest in this forum. The funny thing is that after the dealer recommended to change engine coolant, I asked them how did they come to the conclusion it needs to be changed. He said they have a little probe, they stick it in, and if it fails, that is when they make recommendation. But this does not make sense to me. Before my pump went bad (about 95,000) they did not tell me the coolant needed to be replaced (although they do inspect the car each time I bring it for oil change). But now, after the pump and at least some amount of coolant was replaced (they charged me for 1 gallon, so it is up to a gallon), they say the coolant did not pass their test. I don't want to pay $500 for something I may not need. On the other hand, I cannot do it myself for $30 (due to many reason, topic for another discussion)
Why don't you purchase a turkey baster or siphon from the dollar store or Walmart and suck out a sample of each and look at it in a glass container. If there is debris or anything floating in it and it is not bright pinkish red have it changed. If it looks good....roll the dice and let it go for a while.
Same question. I bought a 2006 recently with 140k miles. According to the Carfax, the water pump was replaced @ 87,286 miles by a Toyota dealership. No idea and no mention of the coolant being changed. What is the interval for changing the coolant for these 2006 models?
Any options for hybrid friendly non dealer repair shops in your area? It’s not rocket science but it’s also not a conventional cooling system. There should be a middle ground where you maintain your car without spending a fortune. Coolant is inexpensive Maybe this site has recommended repair shops. Just guessing. I do the work myself
Agreed. I just replaced my struts in an afternoon, 4.5 hours, I'm guessing this job couldn't be any harder than that?