2017 Prime, last 2 days the car keeps saying Phone disconnected every 10 seconds. When a call comes it goes to car then it disconnects as well. I think it started right after iOS upgrade to 13.1.2. I have restarted phone several times. One thing I will try is to remove the phone from the car and re-connect/initialize. Wondering if anyone else has seen this.
Yes, it happened to me on the first iOS13 update -- your proposed fix of removing the phone and reconnecting it is what I did and it fixed it.
Apple issued yet another update to iOS. 13.1.3 This article says one of the problems addressed is issues with Bluetooth and certain vehicles. Ymmv. iOS 13.1.3 is the latest software update from Apple to fix iPhone and iPad bugs - 9to5Mac
Bob, I removed my phone from car system and added it back again. That fixed the issue for me. However I had to first disable bluetooth on the phone otherwise car got stuck on removing my phone.