I just replaced the battery in my 2006 Prius sks key fob and now I am unable to unlock/lock doors remotely and I also cannot start the car without the key inserted. I can unlock/lock the car with the manual key and I can start the car with the key inserted. 1. I think the fob battery is installed correctly. I’ve re installed it several times. The red light flases every time I press a button. Lock nor unlock seem to be stuck depressed 2. I don’t think I have any problems with my 12 volt battery - it was replaced recently in the past few months 3. I have tried to mess with the small button near the drivers left knee and still cannot get the fob to work I have changed the battery before and had no issues. This problem arose immediately after changing the battery. Any ideas?? Thanks
Bizzare. Maybe the replacement CR2032 battery is worse than the one that was replaced? Check w/ a DVM (Digital Volt Meter). FOB Battery should be inserted w/ POSITIVE side facing up; the print on the battery should be visible as you insert it. Check the 12V battery w/ a load. Read post #5 on how to load test: Is my inverter coolant pump slowly failing? | PriusChat Maybe try disconnecting the 12V battery temporarily. The SKS disable button near the knee, disables the SKS functionality when that button is depressed (sunken). The FOB would have to be inserted into dash FOB slot to start the car. The remote FOB buttons of lock and unlock should ALWAYS work, irregardles of SKS being active (button sticks out) or disabled (button is depressed/sunken).
Thanks for the input guys. I messed around with things again. Unhooked the negative battery terminal for a minute and hooked it back up. All good now. Fob works fine. Must be something with it resetting when the battery is reconnected. Just a side note: my fob 2032 battery positive side faces down. Flipped it the other way and red light quit blinking. So - up. Thanks for the help. Hope this helps someone else.
Soooo. I was wrong. FOB is not working. Still having the same issues as described in my first post. Called the dealer and they said when I took the FOB battery out I may have messed up the programming and I could buy a NEW fob and have it programmed for a couple hundred dollars. I've done research and tried everything I could think of over the past 2 weeks. Anybody else have any alternatives to the dealer or any good ideas?? I do not care that I must use a manual key/start car with key in ignition, but I would like to be able to purchase a backup key for cheaper. Thanks
It was late at night. I was in a rush. I thought it worked (only tested it once). Possible i was wrong and it didn’t work
UPDATE: After some more research I looked at a picture of the circuit board/radio frequency controller inside the key fob. Then I looked at my fob and noticed that the Panic Button (White button that is on the circuit board is missing). I must have broke it off at some point when changing my battery. I assume this is the reason why I cannot unlock/lock my doors with the fob and not start my car without the key in the ignition? Red light still flashes when unlock/lock are pressed. Anybody have any ideas/solution to this?