I saw a youtube video where a rubber mallet and screwdriver were used to basically punch the seal out in one piece. No such luck for me, but maybe others are aware of a better than way than using a small screwdriver and hose removal picks along with great patience? Doesn't seem like a seal puller tool would work for this? (seems like too big?) How careful do I need to be when scraping all the bits out? Would something like brake cleaner or a heat gun help? Thank you for any insight you might care to share.
Place a small block of wood near the hole, then use this seal puller to pull the seal out: Some of the Toyota covers have a very small tab that will need to be bent backwards before you can pull the seal out. If the seals are not leaking I would leave them alone.
Use a small pry bar to pry it out of the hole. It’s in one of my YouTube videos, I think it was on the civic timing belt replacement where we replaced the spark plug tube seals by using a small pry bar to pry it out using the valve cover as a wedge. The screw driver method sometimes work but you’ll run into scraping the valve cover hole where the seal sits if you’re not careful. here’s the link. It’s right at the beginning of the video
The Critic and NutzAboutBolts - Thank You both for the advice. Holy crap @NutzAboutBolts you should patent that method because, although initially skeptical (and wondering if I should use as long a pry bar), they popped out of there like greased lightning - could not have been any easier! I bow down to you Master!