sorry to invade the electrification heads here at PC with one of the enemy's flagships LOL know your audience
Phuck it indeed. Very nice C7, sir. The best of the last. Are these actually track ready unlike the z06?
If I had one, which will probably never happen that is the only place I'd drive it besides driving it to the track and back.
Mid-life left the dock a long, long time ago. This vehicle is a "near retirement" reward for handling my business in life...and the Boss even gave her permission. Link should answer the particulars, although I went 8-spd auto. Corvette ZR1 for Sale: 2019 Corvette ZR1 Pricing | Chevrolet
I'll try and post a shot of my 2015 Prius and the 2019 ZR1 together when I get a chance. As for the front splitter, I don't have the budget GM does to spend on "test" vehicles. The ZTK package does however have provisions to lower the front.
I love C7's always on the look for one in traffic but have never seen a ZR1 ever on the road there very rare. Can't miss the wing. My wife's best friend her husband bought one about 6 months ago they live in New Hampshire.Unlike us there loaded. He owns an amazing business he has a bunch of water jet cad machines and makes satellite Len's for Google satellites and military satellites he cant talk about. New England is like that many small hi tech little family run factory's. He's a gun nut and has every pistol and rifle Sig Sauer makes. I kid you not. Lots of guns safes. Its unbelievable. He lives about 15 mins away for Sig's Exeter factory. When they have a sale they call him lol. I own 2 Sig's too love them drop hammers. Oh and he has a lift in his garage too for his baby. Bastard. NH is a great place for a C7 long rolling highways with lots of smooth hills. Really great drive. Like Georgia.