My wife drove our 2010 Prius (215K miles) a couple hours away. Did some shopping, so maybe drove 150 miles total. Got to her intended destination, checked in. Went to move the car, and nothing. No lights, no beeps, no messages no locks, nothing. She says it is completely dead. She's now a couple hours away, and I have to figure out what's going on. Figure it's the battery. The car sits where it is for 2 days until I can get there. I get there, press start, and off we go. Drive it home, it's all good. So, what would make the car not work, then work?
welcome! could be intermittent. have it load tested free at an auto parts store. or maybe a loose connection? check the posts and neg to body connection
@PATRICK D, are you original owners, and do you know if the 12 volt battery's ever been replaced? And if so, how long back?