Hi there guys, Totally new to the forum, I don't know what I waited so long for lol. Gen 4 is the 3rd Prius generation I've leased and still love them. Just leased a 2019 Prius LE a few weeks ago, this time however, I want to do something different with it. These are the DRL lights I want to put on. These comes with 3 wire, red goes to ACC power for them to stay on when the car is on, yellow goes to the blinker for the sequential indicator and black wire for ground. First thing is the fuse box, which fuse is ACC? Can anyone point it out to me with a picture. Another thing I can't figure out is which one of the wire that's connected to headlight hub is the blinker. I've been suspecting it's the green one, but I don't want to cut in to it and find out it isn't the right one. Can anyone help me out with this? Please see picture. Thanks in advance guys.
Anyone? I've seen other post with mods like these but I want to make sure I'm gonna but splitting the correct wire. Please help
Look up “backprobing.” It’s a nondestructive testing technique that would help you in this situation. There are youtube videos to illustrate. Good luck!
I would look it up in Toyota's Technical Information System (TIS) as well, but you need someone who knows where to find the specific documents to download or print to pdf. I had a $20 subscription for two days to pull down documents that I needed for interior panel removal. However, I didn't get the fuse box diagrams, and I got only connector pinnouts incidental to my project. Long story short - you need to establish an account username and password at Logged Out My Vehicle Page | Toyota Owners (if you haven't already done so) then apply for a subscription at https://techinfo.toyota.com and look it up on TIS. The first is free, the second has a subscription fee.
Kinda, evidently it's the green wire, I found out using the backprobing. Now just finding a few hours to leave aside to install these lights. Will update as soon as they're on.