Found a dead mouse under the car in the garage this morning. Hope he did not get into my wiring. Guess it is that time of the year to put traps out.
i had to get a pest control service. a mouse a day until they showed up. the garage is still vulnerable though.
I have had luck the last few years with those glue traps. Trick is not touching them yourself when putting them down.
I live across the road from a big park, so I see the little critters. They used to climb into the VWs, but luckily, they leave the Chevys alone. I buy the traps 20 at a time off of eBay.
I have these traps (not sure if mine the same brand, but this is the style) and they collect up to a dozen of critters at a time. I literally discard "a bunch" of victims at a time with these. And I don't even bait them (though you could. I wonder if some used Prius wiring would be a good bait...), no need. They love crawling into these things. Try one. They really work once you figure out where the mice like to "walk" and put one in their path. They just love the design of the entry, it attracts them, somehow. Best (read: most effective) mousetrap I have ever used. They get pretty disgusting inside from all the death and excrement, but they do keep my garage kind of mouse-free. I also have two cats that like to spend an occasional night in the garage. They do not seem to catch the mice, but that steel box sure does. Almost daily at some point in the year.
I pulled the cover off the engine of the PiP and found mouse droppings and I also found nut shells in the air cleaner housing. After that time though, I never found ant again.
Opened the hood last week and the insulation on the underside of the hood was gone. Replacement part is not available :-( Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I think my mouse must have been an advanced scout. I have not seen or caught another one for several days now.
Just completed mouseproofing using a modified ebsmythe approach (see MouseProofing the Prius). I installed a modified version of ebsmythe's rear vent mouse guards and installed a washable cabin filter with mouse guard, instead of ebsmythe's front cowl area mouse guards.
I scatter moth-balls into all the nooks and crannies and the angle between the walls and the floors, and all along the bottom lip of the inside of the up-and-over door! It seems to wok pretty well, and you're right, it's that time of the year!