The license plate bracket on our 2007 Prius is so small that only bolts through the two top corners secure it. I was looking to put a guard over it but it needs to be anchored top and bottom. I saw some that are horse shoe in shape but am not sure it’s dimensions. Parking on the street in the Bronx, the license plate has gotten hit plenty of times. A guard could protect it. Any one know where I could fin a bracket to fit?
I bought a plastic plate cover at Pep Boys. The front plate and the cover are just held on by the top two corners. I used small nylon nuts and bolts to secure the bottom of the cover to the plate. This has worked well for years on multiple cars.
I found my pair on amazon a while ago. Here you go: …sorry, I just see that they're "unavailable" (bummer!)
That's good. An added advantage is that the clear cover protects the front plate from excessive bug debris that's hard to get off after a long drive. We travel a lot and it's very easy to just take the cover off, wash it and then put it back on.