Does anyone know if blinds4cars are coming out with the sun blinds for our cars? Does anyone know of other alternatives that are similar? thanks
I actually got an email response from them "All of the current manufacturers haven’t indicated when the blinds for the latest Prius will be available. I am currently working with a new manufacturer who I hope are able to produce them for me at some point. As soon as they are available, they will be added to the website. Please keep checking with the website over the next few months or emailing me for an update."
Thanks! I've seen these before but haven't actually used them. They look like a good idea - shade in the summer, and still good visibility in the winter (compared to tinted windows where it's dark in the winter with low light conditions)
i'd love a set, can you share any more details? i went on the website but don't see availability for the current prius (prime)
Email Nigel (the owner). we've booked our set already! They're maybe on their way from the manufacturer.
The fit is quite good as you can see in pictures, a bit tricky to install, because they don't use hinges or any clips which might ruin the upholstery on the car. If you get the installation right, you're good to go. The visibility is amazing even at night plus, no harmful rays anymore!! The small quarters is the most tricky part, I figured out once the shades are in the frame they need to be used downwards in the groove to complete all the corners, I got the installation right, and they're amazing for me!!! I think they'll be up for sale in the next week, I got a prototype to check and because I was in the list since a year and a half lol Might not fit the the hatch of the prime because of the bend in the glass, not sure, might as well. P.s. Budget friendly.
Anyway you might be able to test the rear windows figment on a Prime/PHV? Comparing the photos to my Prime, the top of the rear window in the hatch is slightly different so it may not fit properly
Found these OEM plastic from amazon from a seller in Pakistan for around like 250$. I'll check if I can find a link in my history, it has saved the seats a lot. Comes for the fronts too, got a complete set.