I'm looking to buy window shades to put in the windows of the rear doors of my 2010 Prius to reduce the amount of sun coming through the window so the sunlight doesn't shine directly on my daughter's face. Just to be clear I am not looking for a sunshade to block sun from entering the car while parked, but rather a semi-transparent shade the reduces sunlight entering the car. I bought an ill fitting square shade that sort of does the trick but I'm looking for a better fit for the Prius read door window so that less sunlight shines directly on my daughter's face while driving during sunrise and sunset hours. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
I bought the type that sticks to the window (they sell them at Walmart and BabiesRus). It comes with two shares in one pack. I applied one to the window and then cut the second one to fill in the rest of the space not covered by the first one. You can't notice where the two join so it does not look bad. Only problem with the sticky kind of window shade is that you can't roll the window down.
Hi Steve, We have a 2004 Prius and found that most of the shades we found did not block enough of the window for us. We also found as he was getting older our 21 month old would have a ball taking the shade off. We wound up getting the windows tinted, while not the cheapest option we found that worked best. Our car is also black so the tinting helped keep the whole car a bit cooler when we got in. Ryan
Tint the windows....will definitely keep the interior a lot cooler in the bright sunshine. Also would get a heat shield for the side windows when the car is parked that way the car seat is comfortable for baby when he is placed in it.
Alas, scientific studies show window tint do NOT keep interiors cooler, just darker (which is easy on the eyes, thus the invention of sunglasses). You can buy any suction adheared sun shade for the back seats. The front seats [with angled windows] are a more difficult fit.
being in the northwest, i also found that shades did not work. i ended up just using a small blanket instead.
You should google blinds4cars, they've got almost all the Priuses! I myself am a very satisfied customer as my 5 year old loves them too!
I don’t know how much tint has changed in the last 9 years, but recently it’s working well. Mainly it mirrors the infrared radiation. My only issue is that I cannot tint the windshield and the front door windows due to the local rules - Hungary or maybe even Europe. (It should allow x% of light going through the window and that would be ecceeded even with the lightest tint.)
Blinds4cars has quite a few pictures on their website you could check the visibility. Let me attach an image for you, not too dark. Using these on my Mercedes C class, couldn't find any pictures of my Prius. Will definitely post those too.
Out of curiosity, Id like to see these studies. I have tint and in the same driveway in the middle of summer here in Cali, my car is significantly cooler than my wifes who has no tint.