Car driving on wrong side of road. That should be ticket #2. The guy with the phone also got into the car and drove away without using the seatbelt (end of test 2). That should be ticket #3. The car also obstructed traffic a couple times. Clearly, not ready for prime time. (I didn't watch the whole video though)
What is the legal definition of driving or operating though? It likely includes being seated behind the steering wheel or handlebars.
Imagine all the people getting P-O'ed, stuck behind automated driver-less vehicles in the walmart parking lot.
true - just as being "in control at all times" includes stopping your car at a stop sign whether or not you're seated in, & behind the steering wheel. Supposedly, once autopilot is fully enabled, the car will see stop signs and react appropriately. It ain't there yet, so until the Department of Transportation signs off on vehicles that can drive autonomously, as good as or better than humans, the operator must be able to do the right thing at all times. .
At least for drunk driving, it doesn't require being seated behind the wheel or handlebars. At least where I live. Being asleep in the back, while parked, with keys in pocket or elsewhere in the car, still counts. If the given state's lawmakers were being broad enough, it merely means having control of the vehicle. For a vehicle with 'Smart Summon', that should include the person who summons the vehicle. The legality of enforcing moving violations that occur on private property, not on government roads, is a separate issue.
The real terror are all the other 'self-driving' companies who still require a 'safety driver.' In contrast, nearly 300,000 Teslas can demo 'driver-less' technology. It is the first step towards "full self driving" and nobody else has it in these numbers. Bob Wilson
I've been using the "Come To Me" button but I'm only getting ~10 m per segment. The car stops and I have to press the button again and the car continues for another ~10 m before stopping. So I got the car to me in three segments: I haven't tried the summon sub-menu, yet. Bob Wilson
Well, it's been confirmed as being staged. Confirmed: Police Pulling Over A Tesla On Smart Summon Was Staged