For recent history see Past Seasons Estimated Influenza Disease Burden | CDC and add 2018/2019 'illnesses' were about 40 million. Efficacy of 2018/2019 vaccines were discussed in our measles thread. Now, happy new flu year, and see early thoughts on 2019/2020 vaccines here: == Personal thoughts. Young and very old should be vaccinated. Age-middles will weigh inconvenience of getting and paying, against chance of getting more ill than necessary. I see no medical downside except for those whose immune systems respond badly to such external information.
O.K. I tried three times to read the article, but became lost. I actually don't think I am that stupid, but what is the gist of the article?
I got the 'old man' dosage which usually stings a bit. But this time, the pharmacists did it perfectly, no shot discomfort. Then comes about a week of a gentle malaise ... nap time. I tend to follow: Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report | CDC Bob Wilson
gist@2. Perhaps this year's offered vaccine will be a non-ideal match to current infection toss, but it offers benefits. Only by choice would readers miss those benefits.
CDC has always done weekly summaries which is a reasonable sampling interval. As for me, the shot was Friday, Sept. 27 about noon. A week of malise is small discomfort compared to a full blown flu. Now to get the wife there, a separate problem. Since she is homebound, in one respect her herd is me and her dogs. Bob Wilson
i get mine the middle of october. no 'old man shot' yet, and the regular doesn't affect me at all. still waiting for shingrix, due to short supply
I did both shots of shingrix this year. Not too bad. The first one left a tender area for about 12 hours and was OK after that. The second one was not even noticeable. I think the Walgreens pharmacist stabled me weirdly on the first one as it made the muscle really jump. I don't blame the shngrix itself. I had a tetanus shot the day before in the other arm and it DID hurt for a week. Flu shots have never bothered me.
Speaking of shots!!! I think I will rely on herbal medicine -- El Patron sounds like a sure thing. Good Kris!! It's good for your gut, it can cure a cold and three other reasons why tequila is actually GOOD for you 10 Surprising Benefits of Tequila You Never Knew
I got my high dose flu shot last week. Arm was only mildly sore for a few days. Worst reaction was to the Pneumovac 23 shot last year. My arm was very sore and red from shoulder to elbow. Nurse said that was a mild reaction to that shot. Still need a 2nd shingles shot.
I got my flu shot Tuesday this week for free at work. Last flu cycle, people were still coming down with Flu in late spring and there were articles that the vaccine was wearing off for people who got the shot too early. This year, I've already seen a few people come down with flu in September, and it takes a couple weeks for the flu shot to even become effective, so I hope I got it in time.
I got my flu shot this morning when I visited the quack for my regular service. Car goes in for 5000 mile service next week, steelies and snows go on at end of month and Prolong Shortie to be done in the next couple of weeks!
If I ever need cough medicine, my choice is always chartreuse. it is made with 130 plants and flowers and gets rid of that nagging cough too. If shared with others the correct protocol is: Whomever gets the last glass is the one that buys the next bottle. Other delights produced by the monks in Chartreuse YELLOW CHARTREUSE - Chartreuse I've been putting off my shot this year while I contemplate a new provider, after having a bill for services not rendered submitted to collections by previous provider.
i always get a nasty cough for weeks after a cold. next time, i'll give chartreuse a shot. or two. thanks!
finaly got my first shingix at wegmans. only place i have found so far. shot sight is more sore than any flu shot i ever got.
As far as I recall, I normally have "come down" with the flu in January, February or March. From when I was a tike to the last time I got it, maybe back in 2002 or so? So, I only get the vaccine in Late December ( got it last week), because it does tend to lose effectiveness after three or four months (or so the medicos, say). Not too worried this year. Apparently it is widespread, but it is the "b" virus, which seems to mostly affect children -- the oldsters are already immune to that strain.