I have been meaning to write about this for a while. A little background first, cause its important to the story. I'm a Toyota freak, always have been. I started out with a very hard to find at the time, 77 Hilux pickup, then moved up to a Forerunner, when they first came out, you may recall it had a removable top and a 4 cylinder motor and then 4 more Fourunners, then more Land Cruisers FJ40, FJ60, two FZJ80's. Pretty much a truck guy, always have been. In fact, my 2014 Gen 3 Prius is the first actual car I have ever owned, and I love it. It's my daily driver/commuter vehicle. Also all stock, except I don't run her with hubcaps and I also added a tow hitch for my smaller boat and bike rack. YES, I tow with her, and its awesome. But thats a whole other story. My TLC (Toyota Land Cruiser) is the last solid front axle beast with full-time four-wheel drive and gets 12 mpg. She is lifted a bit and has 33" tires,and a roof rack but other than that shes stock. It's my tow vehicle for my fishing charter business. I live in central New Jersey (Exit 102 LOL) where we have all kinds of crap going on, Rednecks in diesel trucks to very slow seniors in Buicks, new driver immigrants in Camrys and of course, greenies in plugins. I am thinking that the Prius fits into the latter category because every time I drive my Prius, I have some sort of an encounter and it aint pretty. Keep in mind that I drive my Prius like I drive my trucks, I don't drive slow in the fast lane, I am probably even more courteous and way more tolerant and patient than your average Jersey driver, but I am not a speeder either. However, admittedly, I am not your "typical" Prius driver. I will use my PWR button, drive aggressively which completely blows the idiots mind. LOL. The Prius is the ultimate sleeper. I have been paying extra attention to the other people on the road that pull this crap on me, as it seems as though the moment I put her on the road back in 2014, it has a target on the deck lid. All different types of people seem to have an issue with it, just because its a freekin Prius. People of all types pull out in front of me, cut me off, refuse to let me in a lane and pretty much treat the car as if its invisible and more. Is it just me or am I experiencing Prius Prejudice?? I think so. Makes zero sense to me as they wouldn't dare do that to me in the Beast. NOBODY pulls out in front of me, they always let me slide into a lane and I get total respect all the time and that is what makes the difference so glaring. From that taller vantage point, you get to see a lot more of what's happening before it happens, and I do think the vehicle's stance makes a big difference. I am interested in hearing other folks experiences around the country as I have a feeling it's not just dirty Jersey. Why do people treat us like crap?? Cheers Paul
i think your post must have gotten lost. there have been many like it. i agree and have seen the same since i have owned in 2004. i don't get the same behavior in my dakota, or even camry. some will agree, and others will tell you differently, it is what it is. dash cams are a good idea
I find that interactions with other drivers are the same whether I am in an MX-5, an Outback or the Prime. These statements contradict each other. From your statements, I would conclude it is you.
This is 100% spot on. When people ask me how I like my Prius, this is the first thing I tell them... "get ready to get cut off". I live in a busy city, and once they see a Prius, they think its' an easy target for cutting in. I drove a race car for 15 years and am very comfortable in a car. So much so, Ive had 4 people run into me when I didn't move. Call it passive aggressive, but people always feel justified since they used their turn signal. As soon as I jump in my wife's Explorer, people drive normally around me. ...I came to this forum looking for something else, but when I saw this thread I had to reply. Spot on!
This was back in the mid 2000s but I noticed the same thing with my Gen 2 vs. a Chevy CK/1500 full size pickup that I drove for a summer job. I could pulse and coast and no one would tailgate or aggressively go around. At least now, people just automatically change lanes when they come up behind me so that’s kinda nice. They know to go around if need me so I can pulse and glide or drive efficiently where possible.
My commute is agricultural territory, Ford diesel and Chevy trucks galore w/deer antlers and gun stickers plastered on, going from one outskirt to the next. Do I have to describe how the way they drive? The best part is when they pass you, 10 minutes later you catch up to them trailing behind tractors going 5 mph on 2 lanes or trucks hauling at 35mph.
Stuff like this is why..... Getting Flipped Off Is A Badge of Honor | PriusChat My other vehicle is a diesel truck. I get plenty of respect in that, but no one wants to follow a Prius.
This is one of the first things I learned when I became a prius owner as well. Everyone treats me normal when I'm in my accord. As soon as I'm in the prius? Roadway enemy #1. It's so weird.
Sorry if I was confusing, what was meant was that when other drivers intentionally act out towards my vehicle, , I respond that way I would in my truck... LOL
I agree that there seems to me a perception in some areas that Prius vehicles are slow...and some people just HAVE to pass them, cut in front, etc... Then again, I'd wager some Prius drivers can be a little 'paranoid' that others are being disrespectful...and automatically assume drivers of some vehicle types are all a-holes. I'll have to say, since a couple of not so great experiences with 'compensating for something' pickup truck drivers, I *may* fall into that category sometimes. The odd thing is that I do seem to be treated with a bit less respect in our 2010 liftback vs. our 'debadged' 2012 Prius v (wagon). But again, maybe it is my perception of what is happening...who knows. At any rate, I'm a proponent of 'stealth hybrids'...and I'm glad the Hybrid Synergy Drive is showing up in more normal looking vehicles ( Camry, Corolla, RAV4, etc...). Problem solved!
I can relate, I have never been cut-off, denied the the right-of-way and not been given the courteous 'let in' when merging more in my life than I have in my Prius, I currently have two other cars and it's not the same driving experience, even during the same roads at the same times of day. The Prius and the "Prius Driver" stigma is true, imo. People see a Prius on the road and they see a target.
add me to the list of new used prius owners in nj also with an fj. so far i havent noticed anything unusual, my daily was a honda civic before it got wrecked and i drove that thing like a rental, could go weeks driving way to fast in the left lane and never getting passed. will be driving my prius like an old lady on cruise control but in the right lane. if people are going to mess with me in the right lane, well then theyre just idiots.
This Monday got a two-for-one Prius special: was merging onto the freeway straight ahead, a dark blue 2nd Gen Prius ahead of me to my left and coming from the entrance road to my right several yards ahead of us, a big rig gravel/dump truck hauling an extra gravel bin decided he actually had the right of way and wasn't going to stop despite the two of us having the green light and his lane being marked as a "yield lane". Needless to say we both had to do an emergency test of our braking systems, the other Prius didn't come to a complete stop as he luckily swerved fast enough to dodge the truck by riding on the left-hand shoulder and passing him.
II never had that problem, living in south central PA. I think it's you. I had an 07, and then and now a 10, and maybe 1 time experienced this.
I live in Metro Detroit...and get plenty of attitude in Prius all the time. It eats away at other drivers to see a Prius going as fast as they are...or 5mph above speed limit, that they've to aggressively pass. Don't get that when I'm driving company cars for evaluation