Has anyone programmed a key fob with Techstream? I purchased the Techstream software, installed it. However I do not get the “utility” option to program the key. Do I need To have a Techstream subscription in order to enable the “utility” button in the system?
I have done several keys. I can help you do this. What version of techstream are you using? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Don't need xp. I have my techstream on windows 10 and reprogrammed used keys to my Prius with zero issues. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
YMMV ... I've heard the "magic" is using Techstream with a USB 2.x port (i.e. do NOT use a USB 3.x port) Supposedly then, it doesn't matter if the OS is Win XP/7/8.x/10 [but COULD depend on the version of Techstream]
I can't say yes or no to that as I use a Panasonic toughbook just like the dealer would use. Its only USB 2.0. but it works without any issue. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Here is the write up I did when I used a Lexus keycard with my Prius. I took the plunge and was able to get a Lexus card key on eBay. Made an offer on a key and won. Of course it's used so SKS reset time. My car is 2012 Two with lots of add-ons (So much for saving money with this car) Using this cable Yueku Mini VCI J2534 Toyota TIS.. Https://Amazon.com/dp/B07BMPYS4S?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf And a copy of v.12 something of Techstream on my Toughbook I went through the process of SKS reset. Used this site for a seed key PinOnline Software And purchased the 5 tokens for 25 bucks. Make sure you email as instructed on their site. Tokens are not automated. Screen shot or submit your PayPal transaction ID to make it smooth. Guy was very nice getting back to me. Used their online calculator. Http://pin-online.net/online_passcode I copied from Techstream to their site. Started the reset. Hit next and copy (don't try to type out that seed key) paste to the online website and feed it one of my tokens and calculated. Now. Do not close that page. Minimize it. You may need it again. Back to techstream. Fed the key and hit next. Waited my 16 min. Failed! Start over .new key. Copy and go back to webpage. Replace the seed key and calculate it again. New code same token. Copy code to techstream and wait 16 min. This time success. Classic key registration time Picked the 3rd option since we did a key reset. Put all 3 of my keys on top of the car. Waiting for it to ask for a key. Put up my Lexus card first. Beep Now my 2 previously working key fobs. Beep beep Finished. Shut down PC and turned off car Tested my fobs. Still working. Lock unlock etc. Put key fobs in house. Came out with Lexus card in wallet. Car light up interior as I approached. Door unlocked and got in and started. All works perfectly. Just wanted to toss my 2 cents here as I had to flip between posts to find all the steps. Hope this helps someone else trying to do a Lexus card or other used key fob. If you do not have at least v12 of techstream I would upgrade personally. Please advise how I can assist. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Also if your keyfobs are new then you don't need to do all of what I did it's a much simpler process. No codes needed. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Hey Brother, please I need some help here. I did a smart key reset to my Prius 05 so I now have 0 keys registered to my car the problem is that I don't know how to register a new key because Techstream is asking me for an old key (master key) which I don't have since all keys were lost, is there a procedure to register a new key? I got the key from a brand-new Toyota dealership online.