wow, you base that statement on one incident. that's significant. i'm sure plenty of people have gotten speeding tickets with their prius. next time, just mind your own business. you sound like a narcissistic prick and i see why prius owners get a bad rap.
Imagine writing up a Renault 8 (or a Prius C) when a Corvette is available. Did the R8 even have 50 hp or was it the hotrod version with 80+ hp?
The prius is kinda stable at high speed, as long as it's straight. Honestly the steering lack any feel. Pretty scary hahaha.
85mph so far while crusing on some empty, flat highway. The car is so agonizingly slow at anything over 70mph that I don't think there's a long enough or straight enough highway in this state to go much more than 85mph.
the day i traded in my old mazda 3 for the prius c, i took it to 100 on the highway, going up a steep hill. it's like one last go before getting your tubes tied the c is actually quite fun to drive around the city, and does fine at 75 on the highway, which is fine for me. btw, anyone else notice that the manual tells you to drive under 85 or risk suffering "tire failure, loss of control and possible injury"?
This thread is long dead but still posting, I wanted to know how much is the safe speed limit for Prius C in normal Highway drive ? there is a myth to drive Prius C under 75 mph, BTW i took the Prius C up to 111 mph, car was not going above this, but to my surprise Prius C was running smooth even at 111 mph
I have never driven Lil Mila anywhere near 111 mph, but I know that for a small budget car the C is has an incredibly competent suspension. As for the engine power, 73 hp should be good for probably 200 kph, but the software won't let you do that of course.
113 mph and then the throttle gauge started to fall like I was letting off the gas even though it was pedal to the medal
So, is it an electronic governor that limits the speed? This is so interesting! I had my car up to 96 mph (on I-95, which is America's version of the autobahn) and it felt very solid. However, I only did that once. I don't see that happening again.