I have been going over what the best JBL interface would be for my 2008 Prius with JBL and Nav. I would like to keep the factory nav and phone. Based on my research I have made a list of three possible interfaces to use. I ideally would prefer to use the ADS-MRR due to the canbus capabilities and overall being the most advanced interface available (will use in my gen3). However, I can not find anyone that has actually tried it on a gen2 and it's not on the official list of supported cars. The next choice would be PAC Carpro3 or Carpro4 interface, but based on what i've seen that people have had issues with these devices on the gen2 and lack of clear instructions/support. Next is a Axxess TYTO-01, but I would need a device to control the steering wheel buttons. The last one would be the best value a TA7000 can be found less then 13 dollars, but the gen2 is not on the list of supported cars. Based on all this. Which one should I purchase and what happens to the audio section in the MFD display is it possible to keep a stock like interface? Is it possible to keep the stock Bluetooth interface? I will install a android radio headunit Pumkin 6.0, I bought years ago and recently found.
I'm just considering an Android HU to replace my JBL/CD-changer set up. Please post your findings as you progress through this project. Thanks, Paul
Help me understand what you're trying to accomplish. It feels like you want to retain the steering wheel controls and JBL amp for the new radio. As far as I know, there is no way to retain MFD control of the audio system with any aftermarket radio. Assuming you add the 68 ohm resistor, when you push the "Audio" button on the MFD, it will display "Radio OFF". I'm not clear on why you want to retain factory Bluetooth phone services. I assume the Android HU has BT phone, and it will be a far more modern implementation. Besides, I'm not sure BT phone will work at all when the factory radio is removed.
This guy has made this conversion and covers your questions in his video: He uses the Axxess TYTO-1 and ASWC-1 to retain the steering wheel controls successfully.
I just put ATOTO a6y headunit in to my 2006 with JBL. You don't need steering wheel adapter. Just attach only two wires out of three for swc to the headunit to find the buttons. You'll have to figger it out by yourself. It was bit of a frustration to have HU hanging out, but it works. Only button that doesn't work now is the mode button. I also bought the aswc but that didn't do diddlysquat, so i just left it out.
ATOTO A6 is the unit I'm looking to install! I too got an ASWC but glad to hear the head unit will take care of that so I can plug SWC straight to HU. Did you plug it into the harness or did you use the 3.5mm SWC Jack on the back of the HU? Also what converter box did you use between the head unit and the factory amp? I got the Scosche SLC-4. I noticed it's referred to as a LOC some places, is that right tho? I couldn't replace this jenky SLC-4 with an LC7-4 could I? Also did you get a dash kit or could you get it in without? And did you use the 68ohm resister? Also you got any wiring diagrams or documents you used when connecting harnesses and stuff?
"ATOTO A6 is the unit I'm looking to install! I too got an ASWC but glad to hear the head unit will take care of that so I can plug SWC straight to HU." Did you plug it into the harness or did you use the 3.5mm SWC Jack on the back of the HU? Harness. Jack won't work Also what converter box did you use between the head unit and the factory amp? I got the Scosche SLC-4. I noticed it's referred to as a LOC some places, is that right tho? I couldn't replace this jenky SLC-4 with an LC7-4 could I? Metra tyto-1 Also did you get a dash kit or could you get it in without? Metra 95-8240B And did you use the 68ohm resister? Yes. It came with the dashkit i think Also you got any wiring diagrams or documents you used when connecting harnesses and stuff? I used sticker on the top of the hu. Harness that came with the amp was labeled, also tyto-01 was labeled. So it was straight forward. If i do it again, i would use something like wago to test the swc-cables. Get the atoto a6y or pro. One with the ips panel. It's nice and bright. Also disconnect the center speaker. It's weird. I don't hear a need to replace the cones after h/u upgrade. Only upgrade i Maybe need is a small sub using existing aux in cabeling and rear power plug, so it's removable. I saw it somewhere in interwebs. Look it up. (Sorry i typed this on my phone... For a second time. I lost the first reply)
Also i drilled a hole for the usb-cables inside of the compartment under the radio, but that was dumb. I left too much cable outside so i never have time fold them inside to close the cover, so the cables hang out all the time...
I did the same thing! Now I want to replace the usb socket with a combined usb aux Jack, and mount it near the +12v cigarette output Jack.