So Monday of this week, my Prius flashed the red exclamation/triangle sign briefly 3 different times, and hasn't since. However, yesterday and today I've noticed that the car is not using the electric motor / battery power at all whatsoever. The engine is noticeably louder as it's getting no help from the battery, and my mpg range is like 5 mpg at worst and 30 at best. Is there anything specific I should check for?
The oil level is a little under half, would that really prevent the car from using battery power? Also sorry I should've mentioned, besides the oil being halfway down all of my other fluids are full
Is it halfway between the two dimples on the stick? Or halfway between the fullest of full dimple and the bottom of the stick? When the car detects certain faults, it does go into a limp mode or a problem mode where it can do all sorts of things to limit. However a Prius using "only" the gas engine (can never actually happen, but...) should get low to mid 30 mpgs. If you are getting 12mpgs average you have something else wrong that making the car-go-forwards motion harder than it should be.
It's halfway between the two dimples, that's why I'm not sure what fault it would be detecting. I'm going to have the sensors checked today, but if the oil needed changed or the inverter coolant fluid needed changed could that be a possible cause?
If I had a dollar for every time you said that I could buy a new Prius for cash. The good one, not the cheap one.
Certainly you have a check engine light? If the RTOD was for anything other than low oil pressure, you should have a DTC stored. Maybe you can get a health check performed to see what's lurking in the ECU history? 12mpg should be drastic enough that a problem is right there tapping us on the arm saying "look at me" Clogged cat? Stuck injector? Cat glowing red? engine louder due to blowing exhaust donut gasket out? Is this 12mpg as displayed on the MFD, or as calculated by miles driven and gallons added to fuel tank?