Hi I’m a newb. Looking to buy a 2020 prime or a 2019 awd-e(which gives me a 2k rebate ). I’d like the awd but I am not sure what mpg real world these are getting. I have a 200 mile mostly highway commute. Help me decide which Prius ! Thanks.
If you're considering a 2019 none prime, why not a 2019 prime? Is it the extra seat that the 2020 has? The non prime 2019 deals are hard to beat right now. I just got $6254 off MSRP with the factory incentives stacked with the dealer discount. If you care about carplay, then I'd wait for 2020 but it will cost a lot more.
To answer the specific question that was asked: I just got a 2019 AWD-e Prius 3 months ago. My driving is predominantly highway trips of 65-200 miles. I've found that the mileage depends mostly on how fast I drive. If I drive 65-70+ mph, then the mileage will typically be in the low to mid 50 mpg range, but if I drive 55-60 mph, then the mileage is usually above 60 mpg. Also, mileage is better on flat terrain - on hilly terrain, I can sometimes compensate by accelerating downhill and decelerating uphill, if the volume of traffic is low enough that I can get away with playing that game. And, also, actually, another hugely important factor is the length of the trip: on trips shorter than 40 miles, it seems that the car hasn't had enough time to warm up to enjoy the benefits of the "cruising" mileage. But I don't do very many trips shorter than 40 miles. My overall mileage (over the course of 7,500 miles) as reported by the Prius is about 57.5 mpg, and, as calculated based on actual gasoline purchases, 55.9 mpg. My car has factory-mounted crossbars that probably reduce mileage somewhat, especially at high speeds.