Hello from what I gathered I need to remove the big orange fusable link saftey plug that severes half the voltage of the battery then remove the hv battery voltage wire and another plug next to is,Does anyone have a link with pics and steps of how to make the battery safe to work on perferbaly with pics?I read to use clad gloves and looking for gloves I see they hace different classes?like "class 00 12kv etc" but of course the higher the voltage rating the more expensive they are so would somthing like this work from ebay? Insulated 12kv High Voltage Electrical Insulating Gloves For Electricians Ta 848379425891 | eBay
I think if I were to buy HV gloves being sold on ebay for thirteen dollars, I might use them, but after testing them with a megger first. Even gloves from a more reputable source are supposed to be tested casually for air leaks (blow 'em up/roll 'em up) before every use, and more carefully checked if it's been a year. As you are removing the inter-module links from the battery, the available voltage gets lower and lower. If you want to lower it as quickly as possible, you can continue to follow the same sort of strategy as the service plug: The service plug is positioned to split the battery roughly in half, so two, 100-ish volt halves. You could then start taking the links out, not from one end or the other, but starting roughly in the middle of each half. That gets you down to 50-ish volt pieces after taking out just two more links. You're down to 25-volt pieces after your next four links. Below that, follow any order you want....
I can't add much except to say that I didn't die when I took mine apart. I first pulled the plug and then started removing all the miscellaneous stuff in the way to removal while the voltage drained out of any components. Then, I checked the two output terminals (big orange cables) with my voltmeter to confirm they were dead before removing them. I wrapped the handle of my ratchet, extensions, and socket in electrical tape. Was careful not to touch the open socket for that orange plug when lifting the battery out of the car. Once I had it out and the top off, I took the harness off one side, same tape-wrapped tools, and figured it was safe after that. No sparks, no shocks, no tingles. And I'm a guy who typically screws up everything I touch.