A Sad Tale of a Man and His Prius

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by ProwessIntrepid, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. ProwessIntrepid

    ProwessIntrepid New Member

    Sep 12, 2006
    Formalities will be saved for the end, for now I shall tell you my story. Five months ago I bought a 2006 Ford Focus, and what a nightmare that has been. I saw a commercial for a Yaris on TV and I wanted to see how it fared against my Focus. Sadly, the Yaris was not in stock at my local dealership, but a Prius was. Lightning striking my spine (in a good way) was my first reaction when climbing into a Prius for the first time. Long story short, I was hooked, completely. I have been searching for a car like this my whole life. I felt almost the same when I switched from pc to Mac, but thats a different story. I told the salesman how I wished I could get this car and he said that I could. I could trade in my Focus with a bit of negative equity and get the Prius. They took my keys and license to appraise my Focus. The Prius was in a color that I did not want and I said that if I had the possibility of getting one that I wanted it in the color of my choice. The salesman agreed and said that they would have new ones in stock later that week but that I couldn't get my keys and license back until I signed the paperwork.......7 hours later......I was still asking the salesman for my keys and license. Meanwhile I had test driven the Prius and played around with the manual and things like that. At 10:00pm I told them that I would be forced to call the police if I could not have my keys and license back and finally they reappeared. I called Toyota Customer Service the next day and they took a report but said I should go back to that same dealership and try to get a better price because of what happened.

    I went back a few days later and they had the Prius that I wanted. I got to finance and got the interest rate and everything to fit my needs perfectly. The finance guy however needed to leave and I needed to take some mods off of my Focus before signing the final papers. The finance guy told me to come back tomorrow morning (again it was 10:00pm) and we would finish the deal. The next day I called to say I was coming in and I was told that the finance guy wouldn't be in that day because of an emergency but I should come in the next day. I went in that following day and went to finance with final papers in hand not yet being signed and went to do a visual inspection of the Prius. Guess what, during the day that the finance guy had his emergency, they sold the car. Even though they took the sticker down for me and said that it was mine and did most of the paperwork. They agreed that this was the second time that made a major mistake and promised that the next time would go better...it didn't

    The next Prius was set to arrived two weeks later. In the meantime I made myself familiar with this website. I learned every detail about the Prius. Yes I know what the "B" setting is for, and all of the secret compartments, and in theory, how to Pulse and Glide. They called me on Saturday night and told me the Prius was in. Monday morning I arrived. Played around with the Prius for a while making sure everything worked and started the paperwork process again. Arriving at the finance office I noticed that different people were there. Thats because in the two weeks that I was gone three people had been fired. One of whom being my finance guy. The new finance guy was not so nice. Not only would he not honor the deal of the other guy but gave me thousands less for my Focus, doubled my interested rate, and required a down payment of double the amount. I was shocked, the Fob that I was holding to the Prius literally fell out of my hand. Sadly, I could not afford the new deal, and the salesman consoled me by saying that somebody else tomorrow will come by and actually fall for the higher deal, so it was no big deal to them.

    It seems my original finance guy felt sympathy for me because of tough situations in my life and childhood and apparently made him give me a better deal. I have had more then my fair share of unwarranted troubles but this situation was the only one that hurt. In the short time of three weeks that I devoted my life to getting and understanding a Prius, it became more of a symbol to me, that innocent people that are thrown into problems can still look good in a cool car. The ride home the dealership in my Focus was probably the worse few moments in my life. I would not have cared if they said from the beginning that I couldn't have it, but getting the Fob in my hand and the manual and the congratulations, just made it all to real. I hope that I did not bore you will a long story but with so many success stories here I needed to put things in perspective. Hopefully some of you will now further appreciate driving your Prius. I don't think that I will be back on this site much anymore because it is much too painful (wow, I'm dramatic, if this wasn't a car forum you would think that I just lost my fiance or something)

    The next time you are driving out there, do a Pulse and Glide in memory of all of us out there that tried but couldn't. Such a cruel world to constantly play tricks on me. :(

    By the way, my name is George and I am a religious studies major and hopefully a future Priest many years from now. (please no jokes about a future priest being devastated over material possessions :D )
  2. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    I'm welling up.....
    Good luck, you'll be a prius owner one day!
  3. Susan5s

    Susan5s Junior Member

    Aug 23, 2004
    2011 Prius
    I'm so sorry you went through such an ordeal and at the end, couldn't get your car. Something tells me this will serve as sermon fodder someday, though!

    Seriously, you might contact Toyota Customer Service again and let them know the outcome. You were treated shamefully.

  4. Michgal007

    Michgal007 Senior Member

    Aug 24, 2006
    Macon, GA
    2006 Prius
    Why don't you try another dealership in your state. Order one for yourself (color, package etc).
  5. Ichabod

    Ichabod Artist In Residence

    Jul 21, 2006
    Newton, MA
    2006 Prius
    In spite of the many success stories (otherwise there'd be no regulars here) there are plenty of stories I've read that are even more painful than yours, but people manage to pull through :) If you have your heart set on the Prius, there are ways to make it happen. I got mine in less than 2 weeks, but I guess my method is not for you, as making a deal with the devil is probably against your beliefs or something :rolleyes: ha ha!

    Being disappointed by a dealership is about as uncommon as getting wet in the rain. At least you didn't pick it up and then total it in a wreck on the way home from the dealer!
  6. withersea

    withersea DNF is better than DNS

    Jun 5, 2006
    2010 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Michgal007 @ Sep 12 2006, 08:33 AM) [snapback]318234[/snapback]</div>
    Yes. Definitely try another dealer. I would also send a letter of complaint to the dealership and to Toyota. I might even lose my religion for the letter writing session.
  7. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    aw, that sucks. you know, there are a lot of other dealers out there who may not be so unscrupulous in dealing with you. i don't know if you're in college or grad school, but i don't know anyone who could afford a new car in college and very few who can afford a new car in grad school. i know that's not fantastic consolation, but it's the truth.

    remember, there are more important things than a car out there. i'd trade everything, including the prius, (but not including the husband!) to know that my possible major health issue is not an issue at all.
  8. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    sorry to hear about your experiences. i just picked up my Prius, first choice on color and package. didnt do a trade or finance so didnt have to do those hoops (my credit sucks, would have been killed anyway)

    The supply problems for the Prius is its only real downfall. albeit, your situation is a bit different, but not much. a plentiful supply probably would have never caused the first car to be sold out from under you. my dad for one bought a Camry because he couldnt wait for a Prius. also know a handful of others that also could not wait. as it is, i was lucky to get mine in 18 days. (buyer dropped out at the last minute) estimated time at order was 8-12 weeks.

    i laughed in derision when reading the Forbes list of "2006 Most Popular Cars" list especially when the Ford F 150 (#1 with a DECLINE of 17% over the previous year YTD thru August) and the Dodge Dakota (#2 with decline of 21%) are top dogs. apparently their definition of most popular aint the same as mine.

    i would also shop around, i am lucky in that i have dealt with the same salesman and dealership for years. dont give up on the Prius because of one rogue dealership
  9. quagmire0

    quagmire0 New Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    I can definitely feel for you. :) We were *this* close to closing the deal on a Prius a few months back, but the dealer would not budge on our trade-in. It was around a $400 difference between us (and, for the record, I would have settled for $200), and the dealer let me walk. He knew he had a line of people that would buy it on the spot. What's even better is that we had put a deposit down on the car, and when we got there the salesman was showing the car to someone else! Amazing.

    Hopefully the happy ending will come at the end of this month when our new Prius is supposed to be coming in. Don't forget there are always more Prii out there, keep searching and communicating with local and regional dealers. Keep hope alive! :D
  10. hyo silver

    hyo silver Awaaaaay

    Mar 2, 2005
    off into the sunset
    2004 Prius
    That is a sad tale. Toyota may have built a better car, but they've got a lot of improvements still to make on their salespeople. I hope you find what you're looking for, and have a better experience when you do.

    If you happen to be interested in a custom licence plate, may I suggest 'priust'? :)
  11. tmgrl3

    tmgrl3 Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    How sad...so sorry this happened to you....

    I am a firm believer in follow-up on these events....I sent the good news of my experiences to Toyota Customer Relations....and I send the stories like this as well....

    I would definitely file a full report on this though....

    and....saying a little prayer that you get your Prius one day.

    I ordered mine in April and was told August or September and then got it July 17th....I waited....it was well worth it...and I paid the price I wanted to pay.

    Best to you and again, so sorry....these things can be quite upsetting.

  12. NoSpam

    NoSpam Junior Member

    Nov 13, 2004
    Sorry about that bad dealer.

    Try fleet sales. Send emails to all the dealers that are in your area. I sent lots of emails out and wound up narrowing it down to three good dealers. Then it became all about who could meet my needs first.

    You can do this via the Toyota web-site. After you build your Prius you can request quotes from several dealers. You can give your email and/or your phone number to be contacted.

    If you try several dealers, you may be able to find a good one. Don't be shy about letting them know that other dealers are seeking your business. This may give you a little leverage.

    Best regards,
  13. Claudia

    Claudia New Member

    May 3, 2005
    Martinsville VA
    What a horribly sad story, but . . . how well you wrote it! :)

    I agree with everyone else who has said that you were treated shamelessly - that first car should have been yours. The second time around, they should have honored your first agreement.

    Please do contact Toyota and relate the events to them - actually, a copy of what was posted here would do, especially if the names of the actual people involved were added! We were very lucky in being able to see a car, drive the car, buy the car . . . all in the same afternoon. Most people aren't that lucky, as I'm sure you know - but it is possible.

    I suspect if you contact Toyota, and then do as was suggested about contacting multiple dealers, you might still find your dream car. I hope so. I think you deserve it, after all this (and I like the name "Priust", too). I hope you'll take action instead of just being miserable - it really does help one to feel better to do something about a bad situation rather than just accepting it (and continuing to hate the car you drive). If it makes any difference to you financially, if you can take delivery by 30 Sept., you'd qualify for the entire tax credit, just over $3,000.
  14. tmgrl3

    tmgrl3 Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    An afterthought...the day after I called Customer Relations to file a
    "report" on how well specific people treated me at sales and service at Stevens Toyota in Huntington, New York, I got a call from Larry at service thanking me for taking the time to call and file my comments....

    So...everyone I mentioned heard from Customer Relations the next day...
    I think there is a thread here linking all the important Toyota numbers and links...but Customer Experience number I have is

    1 800 331-4331...they will take your information and give you a case number while they follow-up. Well worth doing, IMHO.

  15. curse

    curse New Member

    Jun 25, 2006
    Sorry to hear of your troubles.

    For all others reading this and looking for a Prius, please recognize that there are a few really shady Toyota dealers out there. I ran accross one myself when I bought mine. But, on the other hand, I found two that could not have been better. So don't worry about beating a hasty retreat if you start getting hassled. The Prius is all that Toyota promises and more - but not worth groveling to get.


  16. MarinJohn

    MarinJohn Senior Member

    Feb 6, 2004
    Count me as another one sending sympathy your way. Similar experience happened to me with Toyota in Marin COunty, CA. FInally, after the third try and getting the price raised, trade in lowered, and cars sold right out from under me, I searched for a new dealer. I am very happy with the final dealer...Freeman Toyota in Santa Rosa, CA. I have related my experiences to very many potential buyers and have steered them away from the Marin dealer and to the Santa Rosa dealer. It's a matter of "he who laughs last, laughs best" and in the world of sales the best laugh is a sale made AND customer goodwill.
  17. msmit002

    msmit002 Junior Member

    Aug 21, 2006
    Wow... I'm sorry to hear about your ordeal.

    I just had a great buying experience 3 weeks ago from a dealer in Baltimore. Even got $1200 off of the sticker, to boot! PM me and I'll give you the details.

    Golly, I hope we aren't talking about the same dealer. :unsure:
  18. Charles Suitt

    Charles Suitt Senior Member

    Oct 8, 2004
    Dallas TX
    2012 Prius
    :( What an unfortunate experience.

    :rolleyes: All Dealers are not that way. I, too, encourage you to try another dealer. Just last week I came within about $700 of tradeing my 2004 Prius for a 2006, hoping to take advantage of the $3,150 IRS tax credit and get updated on a few features. My dealer's used car manager would not budge on his offer, nor would the new car manager budge on MSRP, so I walked. I think 8% to 10% used car profit is fair on my trade at MSRP for the 2006 with no "dealer premiums" added. The used car manager was apparently wanting about 15% profit on the trade.

    I am currently negotiating with another Dallas TX area dealer online... but really don't expect to make a deal. Seems Dealers would be pleased to sell the last of the 2006's when we're within about 6 weeks of the 2007's arrival. There's a $450 increase in the 2007 base price but it does include some things not included in the 2006 base price.

    Perhaps you should put out some "feelers" on the internet.
  19. Rancid13

    Rancid13 Cool Chick with a Black Prius

    Aug 16, 2005
    Los Alamitos, Orange County, CA
    2006 Prius
    ITA with what others have suggested regarding finding another dealer. There are plenty of honest dealers out there, and you can do a search on there or even start up a thread asking about reputable dealers in your area that other PCers would recommend. Also I would suggest going a route other than Toyota Financial for your financing needs...I found that the rate they quoted me was several percentage points higher than the good rate I got at Capital 1 via Costco.
  20. mootsman

    mootsman New Member

    Jul 17, 2006
    No flame intended but why don't you folks research how to handle car sales people before you walk in? There is a ton of info on the net about this. Consumerreports.org has articles on it. I'm the odd man out in that I enjoy the game -- but I know how to play it well from years of experience buying a variety of vehicles. I have several friends in the car business -- from sales associates to dealership owners who are great honest folks -- but let me tell you 90% of the sales people you will encounter are SHARKS and they are well honed at what they do. How prepared are you? They do this every day and know all the tricks. How prepared are you? They are not there to do you any favors? How prepared are you? If you can't take the heat, get a friend who's been around the block to go with you or represent you for the initial part of the process. You gotta be hard nosed and be prepared to walk at ANY point if things deviate significantly from your PRE-PREPARED plan. It's like combat. Remember that most of the people who brag about their great or "fair" deal actually got hosed and don't even know it. Sad.