I want to thank everyone for the help on my previous forum question This forum helped me get my prius back up and running. This is a remaining issue I am trying to resolve. 2006 Prius. Purchased Used Not working with many issues. Current Issue: I have no power to the rear trunk area. This includes: Back Door Lock Assembly License Plate- Light Assembly RH & LH Back Door Opener Switch Assembly (The hatchback will not open) Rear Wiper Motor Assembly Rear Window Defogger Nothing in the rear of the vehicle associated with the opening of the trunk area is working. I am not sure if a fuse controls this area or what. If you can help me isolate where the problem might be, it will be a huge help. I did find a wiring diagram that was shared with me on this forum by another member and it appears that all the items that are not working seem to be connected in some way according to the diagram. ( I will attach it) I do not understand wiring diagrams very well and I am hoping one of you could help guide me to the issue. Help me open my trunk! If I fail at this point I will have to forever crawl over the back seats to get access. The fact that multiple items are not working leads me to believe that the issue can be tracked to a single point and fixed. Also, I am worried that if all these items in the trunk area is not working, is my blower fan that cools the battery not working also? IS there a simple way to test that?
When your 12v battery is dead there's a mechanical release for the rear trunk latch if you pull off the cover... More detailed info is in the owner's manual.
Perhaps @Elektroingenieur might know. If not, I'd recommend renting the service manual from Toyota. I think it's about $20 for a few days use. Or, you could just follow the cables. I'd expect that one to be close to the top of the hatch where the cables go into the car.
Thanks Jerry, I get lost looking at thoser electrical diagrams. My hats off to these electricians that can understand that cryptic language, there will always be a place for them in this world. I will see if @Elektroingenieur responds with any suggestions and then I will seek the manuel.
In this case, if you think about it logically, the stuff you have not working is all after that connector. If you want to remove the hatch there has to be a nearby connector for that stuff. So it must be in the hatch near the top or else inside the protective sleeve that the cables pass through going between the car body and the hatch.
Do you kwow where in techstream the error would appear. I am not seeing any DTC code for it but I am also not seeing any DTC codes for the the trunk area not working.
If there was an error it would show right at the start. Like any other code. I don’t think you would get a code for the hatch electrics not working. Nothing is considered essential back there.
That diagram is for a different model, probably a later generation of Prius car. For a 2006 Prius, the Electrical Wiring Diagram (more info) should say “PRIUS (EM01R0U)” at the bottom of each page. There may be no power, but considering the combination of devices you mentioned, I think it’s more likely that the trouble is with the ground connection that they all share. The devices you listed are all protected by different fuses, so it’s not a fuse. Does the high mounted (center) stop light work when you press the brake pedal? If not, I’d suggest starting by checking the connections at Ground Point BO, inside the back door (hatch), and at wire-to-wire connector BK1. Their locations are shown in the Electrical Wiring Routing section (G) of the Electrical Wiring Diagram. I don’t think that’s likely in this case. The electrical wiring for the hybrid battery pack cooling fan has nothing in common with the circuits you’ve mentioned, and if the fan malfunctions, the battery ECU should store a diagnostic trouble code (typically, P0A81, P0A82, or P08A5) and turn on the master warning light. If you haven’t seen that, it’s probably fine.
Brake lights works great. If it was a ground wire, where would I look to check the ground wires? Under the dash by the ECU or possible other location?
As expected since they are not part of the circuit the feeds the hatch. Unless I'm mistaken, all of the malfunctions are in the hatch and nothing in the hatch works. That sure sounds like it's unplugged and the plug would have to be close to where the hatch connects to the body of the car so the hatch can be removed.