I just read an article this morning, about a surprising phenomenon of hybrid battery pack theft around the San Francisco area. Thieves in this case, broke into a lady's 2017 prius parked down within the neighborhood, without breaking opening the doors, but had cut through the back, destroyed the battery harnesses, cut seat belts, and left. Obviously they'd sale them in the opened market. This is similar now with thieves stealing catalytic converters everywhere. Maybe I'd suggest people something like a small cage made enclosing the pack entirely? Thieves in San Francisco target Toyota Prius battery packs | Autoblog
I don’t see a cage helping, unless it were a very big one with the whole car inside it. The thieves would still cause a lot of damage on their way to discovering a cage around the battery.
How hard is it to activate the car alarm? Don't most modern cars have alarms from the factory? Certainly someone busting into a car would set it off.. I realize a thief can be pretty quick, especially a group, but dang...
I'm thinking, there must be some kind of collaboration within that environment where the car was parked. It's just baffling.
A cage would sure help. I have seen where even 12V batteries were stolen from conventional car's. The thieve gets access from the front grille side, and unlocks the hood from there. With that rate of battery theft in some parts of Lagos, some car owner have modified the battery housing with a cage enclosing it. Even heavy duty trucks have their batteries caged that way.
Well, I learned something new today. This is from a 2007 Owners Manual. So if I understand this correctly, once the car is locked, if any door or hood is opened without use of the FOB, SKS or key to unlock it, the alarm sounds. Bust a window to do a smash and grab..no alarm. Bust a window and then open the lock from the inside to remove a battery.....? idk.... Theft deterrent system 21p028a To deter vehicle theft, the system is designed to sound an alarm if any of the doors or hood is forcibly unlocked or the battery terminal is reconnected when the vehicle is locked. The alarm blows the horn intermittently and flashes the headlights and tail lights and other exterior lights. This function can be deactivated or activated. For details, contact your Toyota dealer. nvm, just found this.... Never leave anyone in the vehicle when you set the system, because unlocking from the inside will activate the system. I like this last part...a lot. Think I'll try this with the wife next time she wants to wait in the car while I run in the house or store real quick. Roll the windows down, hop out, lock the doors. Go inside and then call her and tell her she needs to come in for a minute to look at something. She how far she jumps when she opens the door and the alarm goes off..
From the linked article, I think the victim has the right response. She obviously intends to continue living and/or working in that neighborhood, so she’s getting rid of the car and switching to public transportation.
I just feel her pain so much! Getting rid of a 2017 Prius because of what happened. The price she might get it sold would be ridiculous.
Second the monkey? This would be against gun laws in that area then. But wait! Is this real, or some kinda humorous stuff? What if a thieve knew there was a monkey in there? They'd kill it.
You can have a shotgun in Oregon. California too. You do have to be impressed with his tire iron skills.