My wife just got a 2020 Prime XLE that joins my 2016 standard Prius in the garage. We were really excited that they added CarPlay this year. However, the text in maps, etc is really small, almost like CarPlay thinks it’s on a much larger screen (if you haven’t seen, CarPlay only utilizes less than half of the screen with the Prime’s setup). Is anyone else seeing this on theirs? Anyone figured out how to change it? You can see how it makes things smaller by how it fits 5 icons on each row: Smaller text and icons by Benjamin W posted Aug 25, 2019 at 11:24 PM On every other vehicle I’ve used, icons are larger and only fit four to a row: Normal CarPlay home screen by Benjamin W posted Aug 25, 2019 at 11:24 PM Appreciate any insight!
I am in the same boat and wish the map display with street names was able to show the names in a larger font. I use Waze most of the time.
I have noticed this, but haven’t really used CarPlay too much yet. I like the navigation so far that is built in, but I haven’t used it in an unfamiliar area yet to really test it and get a good sense for it.
I’ve noticed this too and it’s really annoying…I mostly notice it in the Now Playing app (when listening to music or podcasts). The text size and the spacing are all wrong. This seems like something that could be fixed with a software update.