Hello again PriusChat, So this issue has been going on for awhile and I thought that it was a usual noise for the Prius since it’s a hybrid. But after driving my ‘05 prius for 5,000 more miles after discovering the issue, the noise has gotten louder. The noise sounds like a metal gear rubbing up again something and it sounds even worse when driving straight like down a highway or down a road. It doesn’t make any noise when I brake or anything. I have a fear of my tires just falling off but I don’t want to get anything replaced until I find an answer. My left tire area is also making a dragging metal noise type but I don’t see anything dragging either. Do you guys know anything? My buddy thinks it’s the wheel bearing hubs but he’s not 100% sure. There’s also a missing brake dust guard on the right side as well. ***The first 5 photos are from the right side of the car. The last 4 photos are from the left side of the car.***
Green Bay WI. Damn look at all that rust! It looks like it would be any part making that noise, axles, brakes, bearings......
Lol I know! So much rust. But thanks for the advice. I couldn’t upload the videos on PriusChat so I uploaded them on YouTube. Here are the links!
Yeah I’ve heard of a bad CV joint. Will probably recommend that to a mechanic for advice when I see one soon. Thanks!
Also probably disgustingly smelly, especially when burned off by any hot or friction-affected parts. I can't speak about its effectiveness, though.
No smell when dry, slightly varnish-like smell when applying. Unless you apply with sprayer and get overspray on exhaust, no problems. Very durable too. I'll try to post a before/after pic tomorrow.
Right-rear corner, bottom connection of shock, and the metadata says April of 2015: Somewhere between then and now, at least 18 months back, I applied boiled linseed oil. A picture snapped this morning:
It seems almost miraculous. Did you remove any of the surface rust with a wire brush or something? How can any product just make it disappear? None of the parts were replaced, right? [Edit] I just realized I used the exact same word you used.
No wire brush. No parts change. Brushed off loose dirt/rust with a paint brush, a bit. I would assume the surface rust (a little more progressed) is still under there. But the linseed oil seals things good. I applied it with a foam brush. Edit: @tvpierce turned me on to this btw.
Update: So I decided to replace my CV axles, wheel bearings, dust shields, brake pads and also my rotors. Now I don’t hear anything! Everything all runs smooth with no weird noises. Thanks for the input PriusChat.