1. I've heard owners pronounce it differently. Is there an official, accepted or otherwise correct way to say it? 2. If it isn't Latin, what does it mean? 3. Anyone else think the name is too close to Priapus? jv
Gatta laugh at Priapus PREE-us is correct, and I believe it means "To go before" but I got that from Toyota propaganda. I do not remember that much of my HS latin Peace
about what "prius" means Howdy: The word, "Prius" is in the form of a masculine noun, not a verb. In this form it can't mean "to go before", but, more likely, "the one who goes before". If it were a verb, it would be something like "preire" or "priare", although I don't have a Latin dictionary handy. The Japanese do a fine job of contorting English, so perhaps they have turned their skills in this area to Latin. I really like the name, whatever it means. In any case, it sure beats the machismo idiocy of "Charger", "Avenger", "Cobra", or the insipid "Explorer", "Navigator", etc. Original car, orignal name. Now, if you please, would you be so kind as to deliver my Prius? It's so hard to "go before" when everyone else has already gone. B
Looked it up in a couple of those online latin-english dictionaries. "Prius" = before, formerly, prior "Praeeo" (also "praeire") = to go before
...or, to boldly go where no one has gone before. So, then, the Star Trek Enterprise was actually a Prius! :mrgreen: