Hi everyone, My name is Matt and I'm a long time hybrid driver & owner. After two Prius and two RX450H's I can honestly say I'll never go back to conventional gas powered cars. As part of completing my Masters degree at Worcester Polytechnic Institute my small team is doing a project studying the habits of hybrid vehicle drivers like me. In order to test some of our assumptions we have put together a small survey to ask about what kind of car you bought, whether it meets your needs and what you do to keep it running in tip-top shape. We are hoping that by coming to a place where other avid hybrid owners gather to learn and talk about their cars we might be able to collect some really valuable information for our project. If you're willing to participate, it is free, full of simple questions, and shouldn't take more than five minutes. The survey is completely anonymous and the information provided will only be used to generate some statistics for our study. You can find the survey on SurveyMonkey here: Hybrid Vehicle Owner Survey Thanks for considering this and for your time! - Matt
I completed the survey. A couple of comments. When you ask year of manufacture do you really mean year it left the factory or do you mean model year? I took it as stated and put down 2009 even though it is a 2010 model. Also, I assume you understand that you are getting responses form hybrid enthusiasts (like yourself) and that other hybrid owners might answer differently. By the way, I am a big fan of Surveymonkey, great company.
Thanks Greenteapri! I'd be happy to share the results when we are done. We'd like to keep the survey open for another 2 weeks but may shut it down early if responses stop coming in. I'll let you know what we are researching specifically then, too, but for now I don't want to taint any of the responses by letting you know what we are testing for. So far we have also posted on clarityforum but as I'm a Prius owner for twelve years now I was predisposed to start here at Priuschat! If anyone has any suggestions for additional forums we would be happy to hear about them! Thanks! -Matt
That's a great question, Royrose. We intended the model year but either should work. One year worth of accuracy there shouldn't impact our results all that much. The more important question is whether it was new, certified or non-certified when you bought it. As for the enthusiasts part, we definitely think that the type of reader here who answers these questions will do so in a way that isn't necessarily consistent with all hybrid drivers. At the same time, I think readers of Priuschat are much more likely to take the time to respond, so I think as long as we view the data through the right lens we will be ok. As for being an enthusiast myself...let's just say my project team members are probably tired of listening to me talk about hybrids by now.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to read this thread so far and even bigger thanks to those of you who have responded to the survey. We have seen a few dozen responses so far which is amazing! The more data the better, so if you're thinking about replying we would really appreciate it! Once the survey is closed we will let you all know what we are studying about hybrid drivers and what the results looked like! Thanks! -Matt
Rav4world.com has a lot of activity in the hybrid section of the (2019) fifth gen Rav4 (2nd gen hybrid). The new Rav Hybrid is attracting people new to hybrids as well people who have owned or still own another hybrid, so it is somewhat of a different group. You will get some owners frustrated with a design glitch that causes gas pumps to shut off before the tank is full but nearly all (with or without the glitch) are very happy overall.
The most un-athletic sounding athletic event I've ever seen is every year when WPI plays MIT. The Engineers vs. The Engineers. This game has Division III written all over it.
That does sound bad. That said, my memory of the FSCU Falcons was that the only record they ever had a shot at was longest losing streak… and I’m not sure they even pulled that off.