I drove my car today and it was fine. I got in it tonight and got the following message: "Caution: Please press P to engage Park. The batteries will not be charged if the transaxle is in Neutral." What does this mean? This is my only car, so I need it to work!
Methinks you accidentally put the gear lever (joystick) in neutral instead of pressing the "P for Park" button. I got a similar message on my Prius when I inadvertently put it into neutral. Hope that helps. NUU_M3 ?
Let's just cut to the chase: This is not a problem... If you get warning lights, then you got a problem... You're good for now!
It is a driver error message. Sometimes confusing even for experienced Prius drivers. The car is telling the driver that a mistake was made in the way the driver shifted and to shift back to Park again. One reason i've seen this message is because I've shifted to D to quickly, before the car is ready to drive (usually right after the start button has been pushed and the car has not had enough time to "boot up" for lack of a better description). There may be other reasons for the message that I've not seen yet, but that is the best way I can describe what is going on when I've seen that message. I've also seen a message telling me to shift back to Neutral while the Prius is in motion and I've shifted to B mode incorrectly. That is also a similar case of driver error in the shifting sequence.
You sound like you read the owner's manual... Most people on here don't do that.... We just act like we have... You're dangerous!
I wish. I had enough time to read it more. It's currently sitting on the kitchen counter waiting for me to get some time to dig into it. I'm just like most of the other Owners Manual non readers here LOL When I got my first flat tire I looked for the jack everywhere. Under both front seats, in the back where the tire changing tools are and in the Owners Manual. I couldn't find it anywhere. I couple months later, after posting here that I couldn't find it, I noticed it in the Quick Start Guide and kicked myself.
Nothing to worry about. I see this message all the time in my car, usually triggered by opening the door while the car's in neutral. Nothing to worry about.
If the door is ajar in drive or not completely latched you will also get this message. Photo below is a replication of that event. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.