The holiday shopping season will be here soon. They jack the price of gas if it rains in Utah...if they can't find any other excuse. I am anxious to see what the U.S. response for those attacks are though.
NPR was still calling it a "drone" attack on this morning's podcast. Same with the NYT. Don't guess they have good maps there. I'm not 100-percent in the tank with the cruise missile theory (pun almost unintended,) but I'm getting rumors that cruise missile pieces parts have been found, and the Aramco facility is well within the range of Iran's known cruise missiles. It's also a little more believable that a swarm of cruise missiles would be able to arrive on target without being detected from just the other side of the NAG, rather than the much slower drones that would have to over-fly 1,000 km of Saudi soil. The Houthi are fierce and capable fighters, but they don't have trailers out at Creech AFB with drone operators and global satellite control. The level of damage to the facility suggests a level of sophistication that's a little beyond the hand-flung battlefield drones that we've seen from Iran's usual customers. OTOH Those holes were punched by a relatively small warhead and the targeting is pretty impressive. Like....laser or video designated by a Mk-1, Mod-0 human eyeball operating a pointer. Also, you have to overfly a "fairly busy" and well monitored hunk of ocean and bypass Bahrain, probably well to the north. That points both towards and away from cruise missiles - with their "fly in through a window" accuracy but also their large 500-1,000 pound warheads. I discount the false-flag theory out of hand because whether those holes were made by missile or drone (or both) there are always fairly large pieces/parts left behind afterwards pointing the way back home AND the level of damage is orders of magnitude higher than anybody outside Tehran or Sana'a would want. In the end it all boils down to capability. WE could do it, along with some others...but the Houthi? Methinks not. I take Iran at its word on some things..... Iran Says Its Cruise Missiles Are Better Than America’s | The National Interest
No change in gas price where I live. The price has been steady ~$2.50/gal for whole summer. I just locked my electricity price at the current rate of $0.195/kWh for next two years. At this price, for my PRIME, EV and HV are dead even for the cost/mile. If the gas price hike above $3, I will use EV exclusively. If the gas price plummet to low $2 or below like last winter, I will drive mainly HV.
Probably a little over half the stations around me finally went up by 12 cents. Quite a few are still unchanged.
OK, I filled up my PRIME before the price hike, currently at $2.469/gal. It took 8 gal. I may have saved 80 cents. LOL
Well, that might be all for the gasoline price blip unless there is escalation. So far, little in the way of ratcheting up things.
My expectation is 3-6 weeks for the shipping queue to start running dry. A shorter queue closer to Saudi Arabia: India, EU, SE Asia. Bob Wilson
As I posted in another forum on Wednesday: "The cheaper (a Valero) station near work was at around $3.37/gal for the longest time. When attack on Saudi Arabia happened, I think took a few days before it went to $3.57/gal. I'd been hearing stories on that news that California is more vulnerable to a supply disruption from Saudi Arabia as we apparently get some oil from there. Tonight, I noticed that station jumped to either $3.77 or $3.79/gal. I noticed one hydrogen FCEV fueling up there and another in line behind it. Maybe a mile away from that station, I saw a relatively cheap Valero at $3.39 for cash price and $3.45 for credit. On the opposite corner was another station at $4.09/gal" On Friday, I posted: "NBC Bay Area News briefly mentioned the "high" gas prices and that they might get worse. They claimed there are refinery probs like at Benecia. Mentioned in SF, gas is $4/gal and in the cheapest county, Santa Clara County (mine), at $3.79/gal. Did see $4.09/gal regular in the opposite corner from $4.05/gal. Those stations are normally more on the expensive side." In that other forum, almost 24 hours ago, I posted this: "Both those stations were at $4.19/gal earlier tonight. I also saw $4.39/gal with car wash (that's what the sign said, I think cash was meant) and $4.49/gal for debit/credit somewhere else tonight. None of those stations are on the cheaper side for my area." Doesn't affect me much since I no longer have any ICEVs.
In an anticipation of gas price hike, I filled my tank almost two weeks ago even though I still had more than a quarter of tank left. However, in our region, the gas price went down last week. Never saw any spike of increased gas price after Saudi incidence. The effect had to be very regional.