Hi - I have recently changed all my interior lights to LEDs...However, after I changed one of the door's light, none of the interior lights work anymore. The car will still run and turn on as normal, but the traction control light is on... I am guessing that the computer system detected that someone is messing with the electrical system, and automatically shut it off. Did this happen to anyone? How do you fix it? Do I really have to go to the dealership and have them reset the software (if this is the cause)?
Yeah you might've blown the fuse (the Slip Indicator light sounds familiar... I blew a fuse too). Check under the hood (you'll have to look up the fuse number in the owner's manual because I don't remember what it was...) Edit: Here's my post. It's fuse 29 And there's a fuse puller inside the box to remove the fuse.
I know this is probably obvious, but also make sure that your light toggle switch is set to the "door open" option and not the "off" option. It's located above the gear shifter on the roof. Once again, this is probably not the case. However, maybe something that is being looked over.
Thanks for the tips! I heard that there is two fuse boxes in the car....where is the fuse box that needed replacement (the fuse 29). Also, where is the best place to buy the replacement fuse? Thanks a lot!!
You can buy replacement fuse in ebay. You can get a box of fuses with all kind of fuses and they are not expensive. There are 2 fuse compartment. One under the bonnet the other one is under the drivers side. 29 is under the drivers side compartment. All this is in your manual. Hmmm
Hello, thank you for informing where to look for. I have a similar situation and couldnt locate the fuse. After seeing the above post looked up the manual for fuse 29. seems to be for the radio. Looks like it is fuse 30 thanks anyway
it was the 10 amp fuse in position 30 inside the fuse box under the hood. Replaced and all normal. I must have blown the fuse while taking out the door lights. Since others also had similar experience, suggest take out the fuse or disconnect 12v battery before attempting. but then again, if you are replacing with LED, you may have to open up again in case the polarity is reversed
Awesome! I just replaced my 2011 Prius lights to led bulbs. While replacing one on the doors, I saw a spark and then lost all of my cabin lights. While driving, I also noticed my traction control light on. I sensed some big problems, but the ran into this post. Did replacing the 10 amp fuse in slot 30 fix your TCS light?