Loving the 2020 Prime so far after coming over from a 2009 Prius. The wealth of display options is one of the first aspects of the Prime to amaze me. Looking at the various trip meters and the MPG that they display it seems that the first overall odometer setting displays the average MPG for the day. The trip meters show the MPG for the miles driven on the trip as would be expected. Then there is the trip meter for the current journey with its respective MPG. There is an option for miles of electric range remaining which is self explanatory. Finally there is a miles to empty setting which seems to use some sort of overall average MPG to make its calculation. Does all of this sound correct? The option that I'm not sure about is where the MPG figure that is shown with the overall odometer setting is coming from. Thanks for sharing your expertise!
Congrats on your new Prime! The odometer one is lifetime mpg. But note that it can be (usually accidentally) reset either through the MFD or my holding down TRIP on the steering wheel.
Welcome aboard! Our previous Prius was also a 2009 (or, well, actually, we still have it — 130Kmiles), so I know where you’re coming from!
Welcome to PC. Just to add to the comment from @Tideland Prius, in addition to accidental "reset", the ODO corresponding lifetime mpg, as well as other mpg displays, can seem strange as they are inflated if you drive EV mode. It is not true gas-only mpg under HV as was the case with standard hybrid Prius.
Thanks for your replies! Just to be clear, this is the current situation with my different trip meters: The overall odometer - the car has about 300 miles on it and the MPG usually does not match trip A and B which have not been reset (they both also are currently showing 300 miles since they have not been reset). The MPG also tends to inflate on the overall odometer MPG as I drive in EV mode as was mentioned above. It strangely does not match the Trip A and Trip B meters even though it should since they are all reading an identical number of miles driven at this time. What is the reason behind this discrepancy? Thanks again!
What are the mpg display from ODO, TripA, and TripB? This question has come up before from other new drivers. You are saying ODO, TripA, and TripB are all showing the same distance ~300miles, but different mpg. If TripA and TripB are showing the same mpg, but ODO is showing different number, then the most likely explanation is that mpg corresponding to ODO was reset probably before you bought your car. If your TripA and TripB are showing the same distance but different mpg, then there may be some computer error. You can try resetting both TripA and TripB at the same time and see if they both keep the same mpg.
Hello, yes the first scenario is correct... ODO is showing a different MPG number than Trip A and Trip B which are both showing the same MPG number. ODO, Trip A, and Trip B all have the same number of miles at the moment as none have been reset. The strange thing is that while in EV mode the ODO MPG figure goes up at a faster rate and differs from the MPG for Trip A and Trip B which remain in lockstep with one another.
As I said, in your case, ODO corresponding mpg was reset unbeknownst to you, either before you purchased the car while it was still at the dealer, or by mistake after you purchased your car. This effectively makes your mpg corresponding to ODO for the whatever the distance since the last reset which is shorter than your current ODO reading of 300 miles. Shorter distance makes the effect of EV drive on mpg even bigger, that's why you are seeing a more pronounced increase in mpg corresponding to ODO. I would not worry too much at only 300miles driven. That number difference is within a margin of error by the time you have to do your first oil change.
Ahh yes this makes sense thank you very much! One of those small details that was irritating me, it will be nice to have it disappear as I dilute it with more miles driven. One other question with regard to the miles to empty gauge - does it use the current trip average MPG to compute the distance to empty?
I don't think it uses the "current' mpg that is being displayed. It seems to use historical fuel efficiency to estimate the DTE (distance to empty). I did not check it when I first bought my car, but I assume the default number was from EPA 55mpg and 25 miles EV range. If you drive more efficiently than that, then the DTE will increase in subsequent fill-ups and/or charge-ups. One thing is that DTE is not really to the "empty" tank, but rather to "when the empty light comes on". The gas gauge empty light comes on when there is still 1.5-2 gal of gas left. I have driven well over 100miles after DTE reached zero, but the tank was still not empty. So your effective range is almost always much longer than the number of miles shown on DTE.
Thank you Salamander_King! While on the subject of fueling up - the variable capacity fuel tank bladder from the Gen 2 is long since a thing of the past is that correct? I believe it disappeared on the Gen 3. Therefore the Prius Prime has a consistent fuel tank capacity like a regular car right? Thanks again.
Best and most consistent fuel tank I've had on any car so far out of about 40, I'd guess. Most linear, too, I think. That Gen 2 tank bladder was an idea that never should have even been spoken, much less built and sold.
LOL.. Just came from a Gen 2 to 20 Prime Limited.. So glad to hear that the gas bladder no longer exist.