This cutout is in the underfloor storage area on the passenger's side. It has padding stuck on all three sides. Anyone know what it is for?
It is a very convenient place to put your luggage compartment cover when you fold the seat down. iPhone ?
Oh! Y'all mean that "window shade" type thingie. I tossed that the first day I got the car! No wonder I was having trouble figuring this out. It was just not useful to me, although I can appreciate how some would find value in it. Thanks!
The window shade is very cleverly designed, and we have used it while traveling with items like Christmas presents in the back, so that they would be less visible to potential thieves while the car was parked.
Yep that’s the thingie. I use it all the time when I fold the seats forward and have my dog in back so he doesn’t fall into the space it’s supported by the head rests. It also helps me keep my tools and folding ladder in the back so the dog has his own space. Lastly when I convert the work truck back into a car for date night with the wife it keeps our picnic lunch out of the sunlight on the way to our spot . I have two of them in case you regret it now iPhone ?
we're looking at the square red outline below the floor panel covering the black plastic piece that covers the 12v