I thought I would ask has anyone else noticed rub marks in the 15 inch wheel aerodynamic hub caps? It looks like the silver finish has started to come off. I first noticed it on one wheel (OSR) but then noticed that all four wheels have similar marks. I’ve only had the Prius just over a week and done 500 miles. Anyone else experience the same? This was the first mark I noticed (OSR) The other wheels Starting appear on the last wheel. If it had occurred on only one wheel I may feel I had done it. But similar marks are present on all wheels and all of the marks are in the middle of the spokes so it’s unlikely to be kerb damage. I’m wondering it it’s wind/air flow damage as they start along the leading edge and are smooth rub marks rather than scratches. Its a company car lease so I don’t want to be blamed for damage I haven’t actually done. If it’s a defect I would like to raise it and get it sorted.
No, Ive only had it a week so I’ve not washed it yet. I’ve just driven it on 500 miles on UK roads (mixture of country roads, A roads and motorway). The marks are weird as they appear on both edges rather than only one edge and wheels on both sides of the car.
Have you been washing the wheels or moving past bushes on driveways or something similar? I took my hubcaps off, the wheels beneath look much better naked.
I've not touched the wheels or body work at any point. It could be from brushing against bushes but I would expect a circular pattern and probably scratches. If it’s from rubbing against bushes (or wind/air movement) the surface coating is very poor quality if it’s that easy rub it off. I’m wondering if the lacquer finish wasn’t very strong and the silver coating has come off. I didn’t notice them when it was delivered. Both the delivery driver and I didn’t see them. I’m going to raise it with the leasing company and see what they say.
I'm not sure it's obvious enough that you would have noticed. This is why I always take a million photos of any car entering or leaving my possession whether it's my own personal car or a rental.