last December I had the front bearings, rotors, pads, and calipers replaced on my 2002 G1 with 150,000 miles. I also had them replace the brake fluid and it’s now a greenish color which I believe used to be a light tan, after research, apparently it could mean there’s corrosion or...? I’m just surprised the brake fluid I replaced not even a year ago is possibly bad. Let me know your thoughts. Here’s a photo.
Although I don't have direct experience with it, I've always heard green colored brake fluid is caused by moisture contamination.
Probably best to use a tester to confirm, but to my eye that looks like a photo of water-contaminated fluid. If the cap wasn’t on tight, or if there is some other sort of air leak at the reservoir you can get that level of water absorption in weeks. Some brake fluids are dyed for various reasons, but I don’t know of anybody using green dye, because that would make good fluid look the same as bad un-dyed fluid. You can get cheap chemical dip-strips to verify water content.
take it back to the shop that did the work and ask them about it. If they tell you it's normal, ask to see a container of the stuff they use. I've seen black (contaminated) brake fluid. Seen blue--DOT 5. Never seen green, wouldn't make sense. Maybe someone put coolant in the wrong container?