so I pulled the chargring head unit out and I see this .... a white plastic stringly thing. looking at the attachment, see the inside of the top right circle. it melted???? does toyota warranty cover this?
I’m not sure what to make of that either, but the possible alternative is that there’s some sort of goop in the plug...?
Excess grease they used at the commercial charging station? Probably not. Is it hard plastic that melted? It probably still works fine.
I noticed on mine that there is a whitish material at the end of those electrodes, so I can’t rule out the possibility that that melted...
If it is still goo after cooling off, it isn't melted plastic. I'd actually expect some scorching and lingering odor if this is a case of high heat from a fault. The grease can be used in assembling the plug. There can be excess, or it simply flows out once warmed.
its plastic! when I pulled the plug out, it gave that plastic scent I would appreciate if anyone can look at their charging port to see if they have 1 or 2 plastic
It looks like filler material for the pins so that they don't bend or get crushed. There is nothing to worry here.