Man I'm a try and keep it quick. Skip to the second paragraph to skip the story. Went in to the dealer for an oil change and tire rotation, dealer says your water pump is about to explode you need to change it so I did. 30 miles later the car throws up every light imaginable and says problem on the display and won't let me shift to D. Take it back to the dealer they tell me the hybrid battery is bad (and like an idiot I believed them. The battery went bad on my before, and the car still drove just the fan in the back came on and I got it replaced from someone I know). I couldn't get in contact with the guy that I know who changed batteries so I get this other guy and now the car is doing the exact same thing but throwing up different codes. I take it back to the dealer and they tell me oh you need $5k worth of work is not worth fixing. All in all I have a car in my driveway that won't move. The car keeps depleting my 12V (brand new) and when I get it charged again from autozone the car turns on shows me a problem on the MFD and then won't let me shift to Drive. Then turns off. The engine turns on a little but then it dies. Here are the codes it's saying : P0A90, P0335, C1259, C1310 Need help
If you check threads around here you will discover the car is not really starting at all. That’s actually the starter turning the engine. I suggest you do a search for each of these codes and try to figure out why your engine is not starting before you keep trying to start it. You only get so many attempts before you run the big battery down. Try too many times and you then have a whole new problem.
BTW, The following information relates to Prius Gen 2, and I notice your car is Gen 3 (2011), so this information may or may not translate to your Gen 3. It may be advisable to discuss your specific problem with the folk over in the Gen 3 forums. Based on what, exactly? What got replaced, the fan or the battery? If the battery, with what was it replaced? DTC C1259 INF 58 just means the ECB heard from the Hybrid control system that there was a problem and has turned off regenerative functions. DTC C1259 INF 59 is stored and ECB control is partly prohibited when the power switch is turned ON (READY) while the service plug grip of the HV battery is removed (or not inserted correctly), usually people forget to slide the handle down vertically to lock it in place. DTC C1310 INF 51 just means the Enhanced VSC heard from the Hybrid control system that there was a problem and has turned off traction control functions. The long and short of it is, don't worry too much about the above, the problems on which to focus are below. You didn't say which water pump was "going to explode" and had replaced, but given the codes and symptoms you reported, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume it was the inverter coolant pump. With the P0A90 there a few possibilities with the very optimistic it could be, is that the inverter coolant loop was not bled of air correctly and the inverter is overheating and shutting down to protect itself. At the other extreme, it could be a problem with MG2 in the transaxle. There are 8 INF (or sub or detail) codes associated with this DTC, so finding out which INF code or codes have been set (look in the freeze frame data to find the INF code), will help pin-point the area of concern. The P0335 is a separate (and seemingly unrelated) fault indicating the ECM is having a problem sensing the Crankshaft Position. The trouble areas are: Open or short in crankshaft position sensor circuit (caused by a fault in the wiring harness or plug); Crankshaft position sensor itself; Signal plate (on the crankshaft); or the ECM itself. Below are links to the related DTC repair manual diagnostic troubleshooting trees: DTC P0A90 INF 239, 241, 602 Diagnostics DTC P0A90 INF 604, 605 Diagnostics DTC P0A90 INF 509 Diagnostics DTC P0A90 INF 251 Diagnostics DTC P0A90 INF 240 Diagnostics P0335 Diagnostics So, if the dealership indicated that you need to replace the transaxle, they just might be on the money. But, you could buy a used transaxle and have an independent Prius shop install it for you, which will be cheaper, maybe around the $2,000 mark. Hope that helps.