Does anyone out there put gasoline stabilizers in their Prius? I can see my car not needing a fill up for a very long time as EV mode will handle most of my day-to-day driving. Any comments on whether you need a stabilizer is welcome as well. If you DO use a stabilizer, what brand do you use and what do you think of it? Thanks!
No stabilizers for me. The tank is sealed for the most part. I drive several months on EV, then fill with fresh fuel before a trip. When I get home I leave the tank near empty (3-4 bars) until next trip.
OP, I ran an Ethanol fuel stabilizer for awhile based on your exact thoughts, but then realized based on our ICE usage that filling up with a ~1/2 tank of real E0 gasoline worked out better for my needs. If I take a long trip I fill up with Costco E10 gasoline, then when I get back home on virtually an empty tank I fill up again with real E0 gasoline. Rob43 PS, If you have a 240v outlet near your Prime, you can charge up in 2 1/2 hours for less than $50 dollars.
Agreed. I do not have a better option than using a fuel stabilizer. I'm at almost 11K miles on the odometer and still at 1/3 of the tank (dealer gas, 1.5+ years after delivery). Last fall I added stabilizer to the tank, and will likely do the same this October. I use "Sta-Bil Fuel Stabilizer" which I purchased at a local Canadian Tire. Just a small bottle will treat up to 20 gallons or so. Sta-Bil Fuel Stabilizer, 236-mL | Canadian Tire Walmart, AutoZone and Pep-boys will have the equivalent if not the same. Cheers
You would be far better off by switching over to the ICE now in an effort to burn that old gasoline off, then start fresh any way you see fit. Rob43
I agree with Rob43. Personally, I use ( real ) non ethanol gas whenever possible and I find it needs less stabilization over longer periods of time, 2 years while in a closed container. I use so little gas that when I get down to about a 1/16th I add $10 worth which gets me to between 5/16's to 7/16's and that still lasts for months at a time. Also, it's good to run the ICE every so often just to make sure it is still under the hood and get it out of the barn in the nice weather.
Sta-Bil also has a shelf life. If you only use a few ounces a year, the rest will get stale like the fuel.
My dad used old Stabil for years and had gasoline in Scepter military fuel cans for up to 8 years. The old gas had it's VOC's permeate and lost through the plastic walls but ran without problems when mixed with fresh gas. VOC's made up to 10% of the liquid's volume. Lesson learned. My dad and I only use NATO type lined metal cans. The shelf life of non-ethanol gas is greater than conventional wisdom dictates. I've used 8 years old gas with Stabil in lined steel NATO type European gas cans with absolutely no issues. The steel cans prevent loss of VOC's through the walls.
Thanks, Everyone. Guess it's easiest to just run the ICE once in a while. Good excuse for a road trip!
It's kind of funny. Walmart has 32oz for $8.88 now. I'm using it in my GX470, which refill about every 2 months.
Good question. The original dealer tank took me all the way to the first week of June this year (2 years and 2 months after delivery). I managed to completely fill the tank with 28 liters (~7.5 US G) of Shell Premium Gasoline (the only one that promises 0% ethanol). So far, I have the avg fuel efficiency of 0.2 L/100km on the odometer reading... and the average of 12.2KWh/100 km for electron use on Monitor 2. While using a bottle of stabilizer every winter appears to work just fine, I am now switching to ethanol-free gas just see if it works as well. Cheers
Nice. How many km? 20,000? I ended up going on a road trip last year so I only managed around 6,000km before I had to top up prior to the road trip. Hmm I’ll have to look into Shell E0. My tank is currently E10.