Over the last few weeks, I've noticed a really annoying squeaking or rattling noise coming from what seems to be the front drivers side wheel area. I do a ton of city driving in Washington, DC where the roads are terrible and rampant with potholes and road debris so at first I thought maybe it was just normal road noise or something similar. I've started to be able to pinpoint more specifically when it happens and how. It happens almost exclusively at lower speeds (10-35mph) and more particularly when I either tap the accelerator very softly or release of the accelerator slowly. It almost never occurs when my foot is not on the accelerator or if I am traveling at highway speeds (50+). I've published two videos to show this issue, and you can also tell from the MPG reader on the dash when I disengage the accelerator as the MPGs shoot upwards. Last week I was at the dealer for an oil change and asked them to take a look. I don't think they did a very good job attempting to diagnose it because they said it was more of a knocking sound that a squeak or rattle, and wanted me to replace the front struts ($1200). I'm not certain that is the cause. Anyway the videos: First Video You can clearly hear it at the 2 second mark, 11 second mark, and 15 second mark. Each time is when I release off the accelerator briefly. Second Video You can hear it at the 1 second mark, 7 second mark, and 11 second mark. Anyone else experience this issue? Most of my research I've found is related to brake related noises which does not appear to be the case here as this never happens when I use the brakes. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks
I have the exact same problem as Orie --right down to the speed and everything. 2015 prius with only 41,141 miles on it, I bought it with 1 mile on it. New tires, new breaks, everything has been rotated and balanced but still that irritating noise exists. What is it? Orie can you post the video? It says its unavailable.
The rattling noise I kept hearing is now solved. First I took it back to Toyota (waste of time and money) to see if they could detect it, and of course they said everything is working fine. ($240.00) to tell me all is good)? Took it to a family owned shop who actually know these hybrid cars really well. Come to find out Toyota installed my cat-shield on wrong and it's missing a piece. The rattling was the cat-shield under my car making the noise, and it gauged my coolant line. They took pictures of the crappy installation Toyota did and they will be hearing from me or my attorney.. They should pay for all this work, since they said all is good and gave my car a clean bill of health. Funny thing is , they were all set to sell me 4 new tires. ahahahaha...