I'm in Honolulu with a 2008 Prius with 65k miles. Just got told that my evap core has a leak. My local shops won't touch it because "it's a special system" so they are referring me to a dealer. 1) Would using conventional R-134a and dye cause any problems in the system? That's what my shop used to diagnose the problem. The shop was run by a "toyota guy" who used to work at the local dealer. I called the local dealer's service department too. They didn't seem to think the car needed a special refrigerant. Just ND-11 oil if you open the compressor. Sounds fishy from what I'm reading. Can someone dummy check me? 2) Any clue what the current price is for something like that? It's Oahu so I'm fearing ~$3,000. Which is worth about as much as my car.
1) Prius uses R-134a with ND-11 oil. Conventional systems use R-134a with PAG oil. Equipment that the shop used to may have been contaminated with PAG oil or the dye may have PAG oil in it. Even pretty small amout of PAG oil can destroy the AC compressor. Or there may not be any problems. If you take it to somebody that has the separate equipment for ND-11 oil AC systems (Toyota hybrids mostly) (like Toyota dealer) for evacuating and refilling then anybody can do the actual part replacement.
Scott, what did you end up doing? What did it cost? I'm on the Big Island and was just quoted $1,800 by an independent shop for this repair.